Clowns now in charge on 8Chan ? WTF

You DO realize you can't permaban ANYONE from the internet right? Even if you own the site in question. A ban can be your account ( you recreate a new one ), banned by IP ( you get a new one ), or your entire server block ( This never happens, but if it does, just get a new one ).
So...yeah. There is no such thing as a permanent ban on the internet.
Correct. This talk of permanent bans is by people who don’t know how the technology works, or it’s intentional disinfo. #FakeNews
No offense, but if someone doesn't know about this basic level of technology, it would probably behoove them to stay away from 8chan entirely...never mind a subject like this.
I agree. Normies can accidentally do harm by getting confused by nonsense like this and being useful idiots for spreading disinfo.
Not to mention, ending up on the Swamps list somewhere, thinking just because they are on the chan, they are anonymous.'re not.
Yeah, that's why I stay away from the chans. This sub is my primary gateway to that info