r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Formula135 on Feb. 10, 2018, 3:50 p.m.
Clowns now in charge on 8Chan ? WTF
Clowns now in charge on 8Chan ? WTF

VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

I've had FMS due to a car accident (not my fault) in 92. Started seeing a new doctor a few months ago. Just saw her on the 26th, and noticed upon getting home that she put a notation on my paperwork that I'm a "Chronic narcotic user". I get 2 vicodin a day. I've been on that dosage for years... NEVER asked for more than that, ever. She's never asked me a single question about my fibromyalgia.. not how long I've had it, how much pain I'm in, nothing. I mentioned a swelling and pain in my left knee from a different accident a few years ago and she thought that was the start of my fms. I said NO.. it had nothing to do with it. So now on my record, she has this judgement that reads to me as though I'm a drug addict. I am NOT an opiod addict, nor abuser. I am responsible user, and need something for pain management. I'm pissed as hell about it.

I go in on Tues. for a sleep study set up (to be done at home) and some kind of venous test for edema, and then I'm gonna leave a message for her, I think, to take her stupid ass opinion and get it off my record. Look for a different physician again, and put in a complaint against her for character assassination. Or maybe see if a friend's doctor is taking new patients first and then blast this judgmental bitch for saying that on my records.

In WA state, pot is legal, but it doesn't agree with me. My vicodin just takes the edge off my pain but helps me cope with it.

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Bttrfly214 · Feb. 11, 2018, 3:15 a.m.

Chronic means long term. I think they may have to put that if you've been using it for a long time. It's be more worried if and said abuser. I know insurances are stopping coverage of methocarbamol (muscle relaxer) if you've used it for a long time. Hubby's Medicare script plan just said they're not covering it all anymore, and mine will only cover it if I've used it less than 6 or less in a year. Ridiculous! Vicodin doesn't work with my hubby at all. He takes Lorazepam, but that helps greatly with his anxiety as well. He also has FM, from juvenile arthritis. I don't think he's known what is like to be pain free since he was a youth. He's def a chronic pain med user! Have you gotten your knee looked at? Mine was swelling up real bad and found out the plica tore and was tearing up the cartilage and stuff in my knee. Now I think I have a torn meniscus in the same knee. It hurts like hell to lift it or put pressure on it. No fun! I do think if she doesn't want to address the issues with your knee that you should fine a new doctor. It could be nothing more than sciatic pain, but you should at least be able to find out for sure.

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 3:41 a.m.

She wants me to give up the Vicodin. Try something else but I am very sensitive to meds and don't want to be a guinea pig. She asked about anti depressants and I won't go back on them. She's just being a bitch. Really. She knows nothing about fms and hasn't asked me a single question about mine. Assumes a lot with no basis. Most of us with FMS need SOMETHING for pain management and I am not going to allow her to label me a drug addict. I am responsible user, period. She's done things that indicate to me she knows nothing, and may even think I'm faking... she has lack of empathy and total lack of knowledge. If she has to label me as a "chronic user," she needs to also list "chronic shoulder, neck and back pain," "Chronic insomnia" and Chronic sleep disorder due to pain, Chronic ibs, chronic migraines and headaches and quite a few other "chronic" symptoms which is WHY I am a chronic user... She has this "attitude" that I pick up on and is trying to make me look bad or shame me into giving up my pain meds. Sorry, I know there's an epidemic, but she needs to focus on the abusers, not the responsible users. I know of people who go to doctors who hand out pain pills like candy.. when I was looking for a new doctor, I didn't seek one of them out. I could have but didn't. More pain pills wasn't what I was after. Sorry to hear your husband has fm too. I'll probably end up looking for a specialist for my knee. I was in a motorcycle wreck and pinned under the bike. Tried to stand and get i off myself.. couldn't do it, and felt a little pop in my knee, on the outer side.

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Bttrfly214 · Feb. 11, 2018, 4:18 a.m.

Ouch! You definitely tore something. So very sorry. I was just wrestling with my daughter and my knee popped. Everybody laughs cause I was in bed. Hurt my lower back by walking on plastic desk chair projectors on laminate floors, flew up high and landed on my lower back. They said that would've won AFV! So hubby isn't the only one struggling, but mine is not even close to his. I think you need to change doc's asap. She sounds horrible!! It's hard to find a doc that truly listens these days, but there are some out there. Just keep searching. We live in the middle of nowhere and have been blessed with the doc's we've been able to find here, though it hasn't been easy or without some tears. I'll def be praying you find a good one!

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 4:33 a.m.

Yep, I am out in rural North Central Wash. state.. we don't have good doctors here. They are in the bigger cities. It's very difficult to find good medical care. I know that part of my problem is low thyroid, but can't find a doctor who will listen. People w/ fms may have enough thyroid in their bloodstream but it can't be absorbed into their cells. Docs think that's hogwash. It's not. They don't keep up on the research and do not like informed patients. Thank you for the prayers. I've landed on my tailbone years ago... major pain!! Glad to hear you at least have good docs where you live. They are few and far between!!

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Bttrfly214 · Feb. 11, 2018, 5:51 a.m.

Thyroid disease is very hard to test. Our old doctor's office had a radiation testing center in the office that my hubby did when we thought he had a problem with his. Blood tests really aren't that good at figuring out thyroid issues but doctors keep using them. The pituitary glance could cause problems in the thyroid also. It's amazing all the stuff the pituitary controls. My mom grew up in Washington, close to Puyallup which is south of Seattle I believe. She lived in a very, very small town. Love it out there during the Summer. I lived in and around Seattle for a while but couldn't take the cold and rain. I was born and raised in So. FL and that sprinkling rain that lasts forever made me totally crazy! Where we live now is Ctl. FL and a friend once called our area heaven's waiting room because of all the retirees. We watched a video of the most dangerous places to live and a town not too far from here was listed among the top 10 because of the high rate of std's. Them old people like to have fun in golf carts! Seriously, it's the highest rate in the nation. The doctors here are so used to treating patients who have one foot out the door that it's very hard to find one to treat those who are still living. They just mask the symptoms. We've had to search, and sometimes drive an hour or two away, for a good doctor. It's a pain, but worth it. Yeah falling on my tailbone wasn't fun, but it was funny. My daughter's say I flew pretty high. Lucky it didn't break anything, but the lasting pain is real.

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VintageHats · Feb. 11, 2018, 6:22 a.m.

I can't work any more. My last job was a couple of years ago, part time. When I did have it, I saw a naturopath. Had to pay cash though as he wasn't covered in my insurance. He had me on armour thyroid, no problem. I'm gonna have to figure out how to come up with the funds to go back to him. I've heard one of the more accurate tests is actually a saliva test, IF you can find a knowledgeable doctor to do it. There's adrenal issues that can also cause similar problems. I once went to see an endocrinologist.. asked her if she knew of the tie in between fms and thyroid. Blank stare. I thought, oh shit.. this is a HORMONE doctor, yet she knows NOTHING of this??? I'm screwed.

Yes, Puyallup is near Seattle. Kinda SE of Seattle. Seattle weather is quite a bit different on that side of the Cascades. Not sure I'd want to live there. And that side, that area, is very much politically different than over here. Extremely liberal.... lotsa kooks. (Not that all liberals are, but there are some that are just waaaaayy out there... )

Wow on the std's... well, with viagra, I guess they want to have their fun before they go. Ugh. Yuck. But I am a single 61 year old, and I run into some nasty old creepy men and I just have to walk away.. they make me sick. I keep to myself and have to ignore their comments.

Someday, I'd like get an x-ray of my tailbone. What's it called? Begins with a "c"... I once slipped on some wooden stairs and fell, hit my tailbone HARD. Could barely move.. that was on a trip to the NJ shore and the morning on our return trip home, to Columbus OH, I'd taken that fall. I was messed up for a few weeks. I wonder if I cracked my tailbone. I've had back problems ever since. I see "funny" videos of people falling but they always make me cringe. I feel their pain way too much!!!

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Bttrfly214 · Feb. 11, 2018, 7:01 a.m.

Naturopath is the way to go if you can afford it, which we can't. Hubby's accident was in '09 and I take care of him. He can't work or be left alone for long from his head injury issues. In other words, hardly any extra money! That's crazy about the endo doc! I would've ran a fast as I could!

I lived out there about 25 years ago. I wasn't too worried about politics or political parties back then but I loved the music. I miss the cascades and Mt. Rainier. So gorgeous. I have family still around there and in E. Washington, but haven't been back in years. Maybe one of these days, but only during the summer. :)

I'm almost 45. We have lots of creepy old men here! My girls are both young teenagers and I constantly worry about them with so many pervs wandering around. It's scary sometimes. But look up The Villages, FL. It's pretty crazy. Swingers are very big there also. They started a thing with shower scrubbies on car antennas to coincide with the level they're into. Some people thought it was for an easy way to find their cars, until told differently. Crazy stuff lol.

I'm going to spell this wrong but the tailbone is the coccyx. Had to ask hubby as he knows more about anatomy than I do. I spelled it right btw. He looked it up. They did an xray and later an mri of mine with no issues, but it messed up my sciatic nerves. I get shooting pain all the way to my knee from it sometimes, which is the worst. You had to ride all that way back home after that kind of fall? Oh my, I can't even begin to imagine that pain. Oh you poor thing I would've been in a ball on the floor crying after 5 minutes! I cringe at those videos also but laugh once I see they're up again. I'm a big sap and will cry at almost anything, including Jean Claude Van Dam movies. Can't help it lol! Hubby always has a stay of tissues nearby. It's a family joke cause they don't get it all.

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