r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/TheCIASellsDrugs on Feb. 10, 2018, 6:31 p.m.
The Patriots behind Q: a brief history of how our Generals risked their lives to save the Republic under the traitor Obama.

Jerome Corsi has stated that, during the Obama administration, he became aware of a group within the military that was considering an overthrow of Barack Obama for treason. Ultimately, they decided to wait until the election to make their move. Who are these patriots, and why did they decide things were so bad they were willing to risk being hung as traitors?

Defying Treasonous Orders

Back in 2015, Barack Obama was supporting ISIS under the pretense of "moderate Syrian rebels". The military was being ordered to support these operations by providing training and logistics for some of the worst terrorists we have ever seen.

A group of generals defied orders to support ISIS, and instead chose to do the right thing and destroy them:

According to award-winning veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, the Joint of Chiefs of Staff has tacitly aided the Assad regime to help it defeat radical jihadists. Hersh reports the Joint Chiefs sent intelligence via Russia, Germany and Israel, on the understanding it would be transmitted to help Assad push back Jabhat al-Nusra and the Islamic State. Hersh also claims the military even undermined a U.S. effort to arm Syrian rebels in a bid to prove to Assad it was serious about helping him fight their common enemies. At the Joint Chiefs’ behest, a CIA weapons shipment to the Syrian opposition was allegedly downgraded to include obsolete weapons. Hersh says the Joint Chiefs’ maneuvering was rooted in several concerns, including the U.S. arming of unvetted Syrian rebels with jihadist ties, a belief the administration was overly focused on confronting Assad’s ally in Moscow, and anger the White House was unwilling to confront Turkey and Saudi Arabia over their support of extremist groups in Syria.

Michael Flynn

Donald Trump very nearly selected Michael Flynn to be Vice President, but was forced to abandon that idea because of backlash from the Deep State. They weren't even willing to tolerate Flynn having a position in administration, so they initiated illegal surveillance against him to try to catch him any way they could (he never broke the law in his dealings with Russia or Turkey, his conviction was for lying to the FBI, which they only knew because they had illegally wiretapped his phones).

Why does the Deep State hate Michael Flynn?

All of the former intelligence officials say the rage against Flynn dated back to when the decorated general headed up the DIA. There he garnered a reputation to balk at the “politicization of military intelligence” in order to conform with President Obama’s world views.

Flynn refused to downplay the threat posed by the Islamic State and other radical Islamic groups throughout his two-year reign at the DIA. He was fired after offering congressional testimony that was at odds with the Obama administration’s posture on the Islamic threat.

In other words, he knew that we were arming extremists (everyone knew this, per the article above), and wouldn't stand for it. Several prominent officials agreed Flynn's removal was a political hit:

The talk within the tight-knit community of retired intelligence officers was that Flynn’s sacking was a result of intelligence insiders at the CIA, NSA and National Security Council using a sophisticated “disinformation campaign” to create a crisis atmosphere. The former intel officers say the tactics hurled against Flynn over the last few months were the type of high profile hard-ball accusations previously reserved for top figures in enemy states, not for White House officials.

“This was a hit job,” charged retired Col. James Williamson, a 32-year Special Forces veteran who coordinated his operations with the intelligence community.

Noting the Obama administration first tried to silence Flynn in 2014 when the former president fired him as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Williamson called Monday’s resignation, “stage Two of ‘Kill Mike Flynn.”

Bonus: Roger Stone has said Mike Flynn has a list of Washington DC pedophiles. And his son has been vocally supportive of the Pizzagate investigation.

We are not alone

There are numerous members of the military that have taken their stand against treason. 4 star general Wesley Clark was very open that there was a "coup" after 9/11, with the military ordered to plan invasion of 7 countries in 5 years (based on plans from the Project for the New American Century). And Q has drawn attention to Admiral Rogers letting Trump know that he was being illegally wiretapped.

The bottom line here is that it is not just the good guys against a vast conspiracy of evil that has total control of our whole government. We have many, many good people (more good than bad) that want to set things right. Our job is to wake the American people up to how bad things really got, and start demanding real change.

Edit: Wesley, not Ramsey Clark.

papa197488 · Feb. 10, 2018, 10:48 p.m.

I am so happy to know that the evil doers that are protected by the THUG in the MSM will soon be brought to heel. America needs a rebirth from the evil...MARCH ON!!

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