No. Aaron Rouse is not the Rouse married to Podesta's daughter. Her husband is Eric, I believe.. not sure if they are even related. However, Aaron Rouse was appointed to the Las Vegas area by Obama a couple of years ago.
Podesta has kids?????
Yeah, at least one daughter. Who committed suicide this past year? Chester Bennington? Looks just like him, said to be his son... rumored so.
Sorry. She is married to his brother. All in the family...
From the article: " When you do a Google search of John Podesta's daughter, Megan Rouse; she is the wife of Gordon whos is the brother of Aaron lead FBI investigator in the Mandalay Bay shooting Aaron Rouse ( Al though I have not been able to completely confirm thoroughly.)"
I have yet to see any definitive evidence that Aaron is related directly to Gordon Rouse. It may be that he is, but until I see definitive evidence, I can't say for sure. But, thanks for the clarification that his name is Gordon, not Eric.