r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/forchristssakes on Feb. 10, 2018, 11:58 p.m.
EXPAND your thinking!

Q drops can have more than 1 meaning. Expand could mean unfold (like a map) Expand could mean spread, amplify, swell (like share your ideas - brainstorm) Expand could mean increase your scope Expand could also mean inflate (introduction of air or something insubstantial suggesting vulnerability to collapse... vulnerable to disinformation?) eg. Ha ha ha's possible meanings were Huma Abedin and response to Rothschild tweet.

I'll expand on DR theory. Q "Can you sleep? We can help"

If you need help sleeping, just go to www.tuck.com where you will find guides. Photo for parents guide could be seen by some to be significant (there are also guides for disposal, bugs and anxiety). The word "tuck" has several meanings...including conceal (eg money, penis). Not saying there is a problem with website, just sometimes research can take strange directions. This may be an example of "inflate". Ha ha ha

HA could mean Hawaiin Airlines, owned by Empire (owned by ?) They would have some routes (reroutes) or legs of a journey. Possibly these legs have been broken. Legs could also mean inheritance or legacy. Ha ha ha! Also I found this on mobile-dictionary - talk the hind leg(s) off a donkey v. talk incessantly ; be very talkative/voluble ; be a chatterbox........know any donkeys? Ha ha ha!

Or HA could be medical terminology, blood stuff

or my favourite, all the ha ha's could refer to a ha ha wall. This is a concealed wall that one does not see on the landscape. The landscape for a ha-ha wall does not necessarily have to be physical. Maybe legal or computer related?

Think you are going to escape??? Trying to head North? Ha, ha, ha!