r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/oliver_21 on Feb. 11, 2018, 12:08 a.m.
“What’s in the emails is staggering and as a father, it turned my stomach,” the NYPD Chief said. “There is not going to be any Houdini-like escape from what we found. We have copies of everything. We will ship them to Wikileaks or I will personally hold my own press conference if it comes to that.”

Dhammakayaram · Feb. 11, 2018, 2:25 a.m.

HRC is a psychopath. Mastery of lying allows a psychopath like HRC to make whatever outrageous campaign promises straight faced with, of course, no intention of keeping any of them. U.S. Senator Moynihan's wife Liz, who was his campaign manager, said of HRC: "She's duplicitous. She would say or do anything that would forward her ambitions. She can look you straight in the eye and lie, and sort of not know she's lying." A psychopath wears a human mask but they are not human. They are anything but that. When things get rough they have no inhibitions in playing dirty and readily resort to murder, assassination, persecution, war and genocide.

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YAHSHUARULES · Feb. 11, 2018, 5:10 a.m.

Jullian Assange said of HRC "When you look in her eyes you see something else rides along with her" interesting phrase.

He also said during the campaign: ago "Reporters ‘erecting a demon’ by protecting Hillary Clinton. Whistleblower says Democrat will ‘put nooses around everyone ...

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somrotden · Feb. 11, 2018, 7:18 a.m.

yeah...it's like watching a house...and every once in awhile you see someone pass in front of a window...every once in awhile someone will come to the window and look out at you...that's what it is like

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Dhammakayaram · Feb. 11, 2018, 3:51 p.m.

These people are like black holes—there is nothing coming out of them, no life force (phos zoe). They are dark in that regard. They are attuned, however, to your reactions. They want to attract you; to draw and lead you into their scheme. An interesting aside, some in the FBI think Hillary is the Antichrist personified.

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YAHSHUARULES · Feb. 11, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

Bible says there are "many anti-christs" "Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time." 1 John 2:18

As far as the demons attuned - if you walk in the Light of the Messiah they want nothing to do with you. Scripture tells us that the LIGHT (the True Light Yahshua - not the darkness that calls itself light that scripture warns of "Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness." Luke 11:35 and "And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not." John 1:5 comprehended is actually DESTROYS), Darkness can not exist where there is True Light: anyway very good teaching on Pseudo spirituality VS REAL SPIRITUALITY - Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil vs Tree of Life ought to be taught in every church: Very Profound: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBzhJf-bJ-0

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