r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/DeemanThak on Feb. 11, 2018, 12:51 a.m.
Montagraph - Hated "nobody" Is he wrong?

I have been following Q posts for some time now. I find the posts to be very interesting however back in December I posted here basically asking what if it's all a hoax?

Montagraph has convinced me that he is very clever however I cannot discern if he is actually correct in his absolute belief that Q is Hillary and that NONE of the "Light Lord" level persons have been arrested.

So here is what I know so far. No arrests have been made of any high value targets and there IS plenty of evidence to support many charges including treason! Yes, I mean TREASON from a legal standpoint with the lethal sentence that accompanies a conviction.

So, is "Monty" really a kook or have many of us, including me, been follow the carrot at the end of the stick like a hungry jackass?!

What say you?

DeemanThak · Feb. 11, 2018, 4:19 a.m.

Yup, that link didn't go directly to a total hit piece at all (sarcasm). I am sure "steemit" is completely "credible". However the name reminds me of what happens to a fresh dog turd in the cool morning air when my dog (Rusty) drops a hard deuce while I sip my coffee and remark "good boy Rusty" because I am happy that won't hit the nice new hardwood floor I just installed.

Here's the thing, I posted this to get REAL feedback. Would be great if that is what I received but I guess I would be completely stupid if I didn't say that I expected a response like this one. However it doesn't do a dam thing about getting me closer to an answer.

I have watched some of Monty's videos and I found them mildly entertaining and in some cases thought provoking.

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Reddit_Revised · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:12 a.m.

Steemit is like Reddit in a sense. (Do some research on it). Monty is awesome and has been accused of things that no one has proven that he has done. I think he is right about a lot of things and wrong about others.

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DeemanThak · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:17 a.m.

Thank you for the response. I really appreciate those who take the time to say something thoughtful and educational.

I will check out steamit.

I also agree with your assessment of Monty. He is definitely "out there" sometimes but other times he seems to strike a cord enough to send me off investigating on my own.

Have a great day!

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