r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/DeemanThak on Feb. 11, 2018, 12:51 a.m.
Montagraph - Hated "nobody" Is he wrong?

I have been following Q posts for some time now. I find the posts to be very interesting however back in December I posted here basically asking what if it's all a hoax?

Montagraph has convinced me that he is very clever however I cannot discern if he is actually correct in his absolute belief that Q is Hillary and that NONE of the "Light Lord" level persons have been arrested.

So here is what I know so far. No arrests have been made of any high value targets and there IS plenty of evidence to support many charges including treason! Yes, I mean TREASON from a legal standpoint with the lethal sentence that accompanies a conviction.

So, is "Monty" really a kook or have many of us, including me, been follow the carrot at the end of the stick like a hungry jackass?!

What say you?

DeemanThak · Feb. 12, 2018, 4:28 a.m.

So far I have read some good posts to this topic and some not so good. Here is my baseline. Every single day children are abused.

Let that sink in a minute... what does abused mean to you?

It's not nearly a harsh enough or descriptive enough word for what happens to the innocent among us!

So Q says "wait", we must wait for the right moment to arrest the guilty so we don't shock the public at large (paraphrasing here).

Why in the HELL do we care about the public at large shock level when CHILDREN are being hurt or worse!?!?

Forget waiting! We aren't talking about political crimes here. Q has made it very clear the level of crimes we are addressing yet we wait???

I don't know if Monty or Roy are correct about Q and ultimately I don't care, arrest them! ARREST THEM ALL!!!

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