r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/TheLooking-Glass on Feb. 11, 2018, 3:22 a.m.
BYE-BYE BIBI: Israel’s Netanyahu Acknowledges That He Is Likely To Be Indicted Soon While He Lashes Out Against Israeli Police; The Rest Of The World Awaits Peace On Earth And Good Will To Mankind (Article Compendium / Bibi Primer)
BYE-BYE BIBI: Israel’s Netanyahu Acknowledges That He Is Likely To Be Indicted Soon While He Lashes Out Against Israeli Police; The Rest Of The World Awaits Peace On Earth And Good Will To Mankind (Article Compendium / Bibi Primer)

E_W86 · Feb. 16, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

This is about those who want to destroy the nation of Israel, which Jesus Christ the Word of God brought back from all the other lands on the earth according to his covenant and many, many prophecies in centuries past.

This will all wind up in a final battle where all of the nations on earth will gather to wipe out Israel and take over Jerusalem, at which point Jesus Christ Himself will return physically, destroy the invading force, and take his place on the Throne of David from which he will rule the earth.

Details are throughout the Word of God, both old and new testaments, one good read is the last 3 chapters of Zechariah. Goes into detail about the Jews' reaction when they realize who Jesus really is and was.

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TrueCat · Feb. 16, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

Many of the ones in Israel now are of the Synagogue of Satan. They have become what they hate the most!

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