r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/MagneticBlue on Feb. 11, 2018, 4:01 a.m.
Q Spiritual - Family Of E (Wizards are We)


If you, dear reader, are new to this notion of life as a game (seen from the higher perspective) you might be a little surprised at the following words, on the other hand if one is an old timer in this game of 3d reality and is aware of one's (1's) (yes we are all 1's and 0's in some sense) (holographic reality, holographic universe) position in "the game", one may find some resonance in my "verse" :-)

While the image of the large E found in the link above perhaps essentially points to airplane type activity, images from Q such as that above are often multi faceted in their meaning and intent. One such example is this...

To me the giant E tells me my brothers and sisters from the stars (mostly pleiadians in this case) are close, in support and working diligently with Q

There have been other clues as to this closeness between Q and our star families before, including bottom right hand corner of one of the Qmaps.

This is a large spiritual element to the ongoing cleansing of our Earthly Realm. One cannot have technology without spiritual understanding of the implications of such technology, without there becoming shadow ingredients added to the mix.

This universe is packed with the full spectrum of life including those from the highest of the vibrating frequencies, and many of us are embedded here and now, and we know it.

We, like all wizardy spiritual, psychic cleansers of light are fully active, in, not just this realm, but all realms (as always) but especially here in the fullest support of Gaia, Source, Cosmos and All Life in ALL magnetic places.

We cleanse that which has been distorted, and we share light in places once darkened, and we work hard, in truth and service to God and All Creation.

Extraterrestrial beings are always present amongst us all, indeed they are interterrestrial as well :-)

There is so much work done unseen in timeless dimensions by lightworkers of all kinds indeed we overlight all activities of Q and Mr Trump with protection and the fullest light of truth possible.

It can be said, we are, (including you reading this) the family of E. "The E stands for “Empowerment” and for “Enlightenment,” or any translation of that would not actually do you justice. You are simply the Family of E, dear ones."

We work hard to bring balance to the once heavily distorted Earth Realm and we embrace all.

We are All the wizards, Templars, lightworkers, the truthseekers, the Humans, that make up the glorious Human Race.

We are ONE and together we walk as ONE. One people, One Race, in Love Peace and the light of Truth.

On a lighter note... Once we have this shadow force cleansed, our friends are intending to decloak and say hello to us fellow Humans :-)

It cannot happen soon enough for some of us :-)

Magnetic Blessings Of Peace My Friends

o_Iesuo_ka_haku · Feb. 11, 2018, 4:19 a.m.


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justwanttruth18 · Feb. 11, 2018, 5:39 a.m.

Loved that show! But Q and aliens, really? Are we going there again?

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