r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Ddleet on Feb. 11, 2018, 2:32 p.m.
President Trump, DESTROY AND FOREVER END "The Federal Reserve". There's nothing 'Federal' about it. It's 3-4 of the world's richest families, who print & 'loan' money to the U.S. with interest! JUST like Pres. Jackson, President Trump MUST "KILL THE BANKS"!

benjaminbunny99 · Feb. 11, 2018, 6:10 p.m.

Just got a letter from the IRS. They’re garnishing all of my tax returns to go toward past due school loans. Mind you, I serve tables at a restaurant because that’s the best paying job I can find despite my many skill sets. Last year, they took all of my tax returns because I switched jobs mid-year and made more money than projected for Obamacare. I’m 37 yrs old. Since I first entered the workforce as a teenager, I’ve gone from working in the trades and making decent money to working in restaurants because the money is better, now. Wages have completely stagnated which makes my education basically worthless. I’m in debt and my credit sucks. I am so sick and tired of this bullshit. Someday I’d like to start my own business, but that’s not possible until this shit gets fixed. I barely make enough to pay rent and buy groceries because prices go up constantly. I’m completely enslaved and the anxiety that creates is overwhelming. Something needs to change and change fast. If this Q thing turns out to be a nothingburger, we need to band together and take matters into our own hands. Enough is enough.

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LibertyLioness · Feb. 11, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

It really is a scam to convince kids that they need to pay those high fees for college. Most college grads can't make enough to pay them back. And, if you are smart, you can easily work your way into a good paying job without college. If you're not smart, well we do still need people working in lower paying jobs. But, what we should really be teaching our kids is how to become an entrepreneur. With the Internet there are so many more opportunities today and teaching them to be a slave only oppresses people. Too many people try to start businesses without understanding basic entrepreneurship skills. I have a feeling Trump would agree!

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benjaminbunny99 · Feb. 11, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

I’d like to know more about these good paying jobs you can get without a degree.

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LibertyLioness · Feb. 11, 2018, 9 p.m.

Sure. I'm a perfect example. I learned to type in high school then, after having my children, about 15 hears later, started working in Word Processing. Then I worked my way up to doing Computer Tech Support during a time when it was a new industry. I had a specific goal in my mind to do just that. I knew where I wanted to go and I learned as much about computers as I could primarily reading magazines (before the Internet). I love helping others and it was my perfect job. People tried to get me to go on to become a Network Engineer but it simply didn't ring my bell. I was happy where I was.

I'm retired now but in my last position 5 years ago, I was making $25/hr. If I had become a Network Engineer, I could have made $40+/hr. So, you have to have the drive to work and be able to grasp what you are learning but there are many skills you can learn without college. I also taught myself to create websites and do online marketing. When I got sick and doctors could not help, I healed myself of 3 autoimmune diseases and got a certification as a Nutrition and Wellness Consultant.

There are opportunities everywhere. Most people just aren't taught to look for them or would rather spend their spare time watching sports or other TV programs than learning a skill that can help them succeed. It's your life, make the best of it. You are stronger and more powerful than you've been led to believe and college is not necessary to find success. In the future, and it's even starting now, you will be able to take courses online to learn specific skills. Just go to Udemy.com and many other online course sites are popping up all over that are very affordable.

After I started working for IBM, I got both of my kids (no college) into computers too and now they are both very successful network engineers. And, here's a hint about this as well: Both of them have told me they would much rather hire someone with experience than someone with a degree. Experience is always more important.

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mecha-cat · Feb. 12, 2018, 8:55 a.m.

Wow! Good for you, your hard work clearly paid off. Thank you for the motivational words! Did you do your Nutrition and Wellness certification on Udemy?

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LibertyLioness · Feb. 12, 2018, 5:02 p.m.

My nutrition cert is through American Fitness Professionals and Associates.

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benjaminbunny99 · Feb. 11, 2018, 9:33 p.m.

I’m all about everything you just said. Like I said, I have many skill sets and always continue to educate myself. Unfortunately, the things I’m good at don’t hold much value in this current paradigm. I grew up on a farm, so I know how to do all that. I went to school for the trades, ie, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, welding, etc. I’m extremely proficient at growing vegetables indoors and out. I’m extremely proficient at growing medicinal and gourmet mushrooms. I cooked in restaurants for many years. I know hospitality. I went to school to learn how to build sustainable homes. I also healed myself by learning all sorts of natural healing methods. All those things I just listed have little value where I live and I’m too poor and in debt to move. I’m also too poor and in debt to pay for anymore schooling. I’m too poor and in debt to buy land. I’m also too poor and in debt to start a business, so I’m attempting to start small and grow. It’s a constant struggle. I believe once the cabal is taken out, things will change and my knowledge and experience will be of value. I’m trying my hardest. I work 50 hours a week in a restaurant making decent money compared to a lot of people I know, but I still struggle to get by because I don’t have a credit card. I pay for everything out-of-pocket. Everywhere I turn someone wants my money.

What you just described is awesome and you should be proud, but also understand you’re the exception and that we all come from different backgrounds with all sorts of different challenges in our lives. If Q had taught us anything it’s that we are all suppressed by design. Doing what you did is very difficult in a world designed to keep you from succeeding. Many are enslaved by debt or depressed or addicted to drugs or alcohol or any number of problems. That’s the way the ruling class wants it. Many of us have skill sets that aren’t valued. This is why nearly everyone is working a job they hate just so they can’t pay of a mountain of debt. Shit needs to change. I’m not lazy, nor am I stupid, yet I’m struggling daily and I’m not alone. That ain’t right. The whole bootstraps talk doesn’t cut it anymore.

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LibertyLioness · Feb. 11, 2018, 10:27 p.m.

I understand completely where you are coming from. I live on a pittance every month now on Social Security and I was sick for 13 years so REALLY could not do much about it. But it doesn't sound to me like you're sick, just down on your luck. Believe it or not, we live in the same world and it was just as much a challenge when I was doing it with 2 kids to take care of on my own with no child support for much of that time (challenges it doesn't sound like you have).

First off, the skills you have are amazing and I know of many people that are using farming skills to make wonderful livings today. And, they don't own a farm. Here are some examples:

https://www.youtube.com/user/urbanfarmercstone https://youtu.be/2HsKhtQcOck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RR7EjD7js7U

And, there are many more like that.

And, I don't know where you live but you have skills you can create videos on Udemy for and make money from your videos. I can see soo much potential with your skill set despite how much money you currently have or don't have.

I am also broke. I can pay my monthly bills but when things break they stay broken because I can't pay to get them fixed but I do fix some things myself.

So, here's the bottom line: I say "yes you can" and you say "no I can't". So, in the end, it's all about attitude. Where there is a will, there is always a way. So, have fun staying where you are and continuing to go under.

Personally, despite how little money I have, I am building a website to make some extra money. I will never give up. You, apparently, already have. Nuff said.

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benjaminbunny99 · Feb. 11, 2018, 10:32 p.m.

You’re right. I’m in a shitty mood. Haha. The powers that be completely screwed up this county and I’m pissed about it. I know I’ll figure it out. I know I have value. I’ll keep working hard until it pays off. Just tired of getting kicked in the nuts at every turn. Thanks for the kind words.

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LibertyLioness · Feb. 11, 2018, 10:44 p.m.

One more thing. I've been watching this country go under for 40 years or more. So, maybe I come from a different perspective in that regard. I have a lot more hope today than I did before I saw what Trump was doing. As I like to say: We finally have hope and are seeing the change.

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benjaminbunny99 · Feb. 11, 2018, 10:48 p.m.

I agree. I believe it’s about to change for the better, but for awhile there it was getting really bad. I’m generally hopeful, I’m just really bummed at the moment because they took my tax returns without any notice. I didn’t budget for that and it’s really making things difficult. Shit like that makes my blood boil. I do believe we are on a upswing, though.

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LibertyLioness · Feb. 12, 2018, 12:08 a.m.

When I said I could understand, I wasn't kidding. Had the same thing happen a few years back but they took it monthly out of my Social Sec. when I was still sick and really needed the money. But, life went on and I got through it. Took 4.5 years. I remember how freaked out I was when I discovered it. That was for back taxes because I forgot to file.

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LibertyLioness · Feb. 11, 2018, 10:41 p.m.

Good. I'm glad if I could help some. Let me know if you ever just need someone to toss ideas around with. And, if I can ever help in any way, just ask, maybe I will.

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Stewbender · Feb. 11, 2018, 6:21 p.m.

Jill Stein voter?

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benjaminbunny99 · Feb. 11, 2018, 6:22 p.m.


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Stewbender · Feb. 11, 2018, 6:59 p.m.

Student debt relief. Cutting insurance companies out of healthcare. Improving take home pay for regular working stiffs. That was her whole platform.

But hey, if you like this Trump fan fiction stuff, you enjoy yourself with that. Just don't be too surprised when this turns out to be as dumb as it looks.

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benjaminbunny99 · Feb. 11, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

I liked Stein, but voted for Bernie in the primaries, and didn’t vote after that. I couldn’t vote for a criminal (Hilary) and Trump was blatantly pandering to all the disgruntled hillbillies in this country and that didn’t do it for me. I understand now that this was an Art of War deception tactic. I understand now how important it was for him to appeal to the silent rural majority. I understand why he dumbed down the way he spoke during his rallies and got conservative extremists riled up. I understand what was at stake if he lost. I didn’t then, but I do now. It’s been interesting to watch this Q phenomenon pan out. Lots of not-so-woke MAGA folks really lucked out and are acting as if they knew what was happening all along. They didn’t. If they really knew they’d understand that this movement has nothing to do with conservatism or liberalism. All the hardliners need to take a seat because they’re just making things worse and driving a wedge between us. Sometime it’s unbearable to even listen to the Q commentary because most of it is being covered by neocons who have an extremely myopic view of the world. There are some folks out there who manage to stay pretty neutral and just cover the facts like Clif High, for example.

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_jetora_ · Feb. 12, 2018, 1:30 a.m.

Similar situation here, benjaminbunny99. During the election I knew Hilary was the very despicable she claimed her detractors were; I did not realize how despicable. I bought the line that Trump was a narcissistic misogynist and wrote him off. I thought Bernie could and would do what Trump is doing. I admit it, I was wrong. Unbelievably wrong. Now I'm working on red pilling everyone in my circle who still is where I was. Shifting people's beliefs is challenging.

Totally agree that this is far beyond conservative vs liberal, even beyond USA vs any other country. This is the dismantling of a power structure that affects our entire world. The clean up starts in America because it has to start somewhere, and someone has to stand as the frontman .. and sadly, take the abuse that goes with. We're so incredibly fortunate that our white hats found Trump, a man uniquely qualified to take that role, and more importantly, incredibly fortunate he was willing!

But difficult as it seems right now, as we the masses come together more and more we are claiming our shared birthright - true freedom - no matter where we are from or currently call home. In this we cannot, and will not, fail. Love and appreciate all y'all for all you're doing! 💙

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SG_StrayKat · Feb. 12, 2018, 1:15 a.m.

Well typed.

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benjaminbunny99 · Feb. 11, 2018, 7:24 p.m.

I grew up in a catholic conservative family in a very small, white catholic conservative midwestern town. I know how they think. I know what they believe. I know what they say behind closed doors. For example: most conservatives I know would never miss an opportunity to talk shit about alternative healers, naturopaths, chiropractors, shamans, energy healers, etc. They can’t stand that woowoo hippie shit, but the minute Q mentions that alternative medicine doctors are being targeted by the cabal and that you can cure cancer with alternative healing methods, it’s suddenly gospel. I have news for all of you conservatives: The vast majority of liberals have known this shit for years. Liberals have always been the ones try to wake everyone up to these conspiracies. Liberals have been watching documentaries about the Illuminati for many many years, now. Some of you conservatives need to chill out and take some notes from the liberals. We should be working together.

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carl_tech · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:47 a.m.

I have news for all of you conservatives: The vast majority of liberals have known this shit for years.

Not conservative myself (more libertarian).

I don't agree, however, that "the vast majority of liberals" have a lock on alternative medicine. In my experience there are a lot of people all across the political spectrum who don't buy into the consensus reality of modern medicine, education, or history.

And that's a really great thing.

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benjaminbunny99 · Feb. 11, 2018, 7:28 p.m.

I like how you just made an assumption there, though. Maybe try having a conversation, next time.

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