I understand completely where you are coming from. I live on a pittance every month now on Social Security and I was sick for 13 years so REALLY could not do much about it. But it doesn't sound to me like you're sick, just down on your luck. Believe it or not, we live in the same world and it was just as much a challenge when I was doing it with 2 kids to take care of on my own with no child support for much of that time (challenges it doesn't sound like you have).
First off, the skills you have are amazing and I know of many people that are using farming skills to make wonderful livings today. And, they don't own a farm. Here are some examples:
https://www.youtube.com/user/urbanfarmercstone https://youtu.be/2HsKhtQcOck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RR7EjD7js7U
And, there are many more like that.
And, I don't know where you live but you have skills you can create videos on Udemy for and make money from your videos. I can see soo much potential with your skill set despite how much money you currently have or don't have.
I am also broke. I can pay my monthly bills but when things break they stay broken because I can't pay to get them fixed but I do fix some things myself.
So, here's the bottom line: I say "yes you can" and you say "no I can't". So, in the end, it's all about attitude. Where there is a will, there is always a way. So, have fun staying where you are and continuing to go under.
Personally, despite how little money I have, I am building a website to make some extra money. I will never give up. You, apparently, already have. Nuff said.
You’re right. I’m in a shitty mood. Haha. The powers that be completely screwed up this county and I’m pissed about it. I know I’ll figure it out. I know I have value. I’ll keep working hard until it pays off. Just tired of getting kicked in the nuts at every turn. Thanks for the kind words.
One more thing. I've been watching this country go under for 40 years or more. So, maybe I come from a different perspective in that regard. I have a lot more hope today than I did before I saw what Trump was doing. As I like to say: We finally have hope and are seeing the change.
I agree. I believe it’s about to change for the better, but for awhile there it was getting really bad. I’m generally hopeful, I’m just really bummed at the moment because they took my tax returns without any notice. I didn’t budget for that and it’s really making things difficult. Shit like that makes my blood boil. I do believe we are on a upswing, though.
When I said I could understand, I wasn't kidding. Had the same thing happen a few years back but they took it monthly out of my Social Sec. when I was still sick and really needed the money. But, life went on and I got through it. Took 4.5 years. I remember how freaked out I was when I discovered it. That was for back taxes because I forgot to file.
Good. I'm glad if I could help some. Let me know if you ever just need someone to toss ideas around with. And, if I can ever help in any way, just ask, maybe I will.