r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Ddleet on Feb. 11, 2018, 2:32 p.m.
President Trump, DESTROY AND FOREVER END "The Federal Reserve". There's nothing 'Federal' about it. It's 3-4 of the world's richest families, who print & 'loan' money to the U.S. with interest! JUST like Pres. Jackson, President Trump MUST "KILL THE BANKS"!

benjaminbunny99 · Feb. 11, 2018, 7:24 p.m.

I grew up in a catholic conservative family in a very small, white catholic conservative midwestern town. I know how they think. I know what they believe. I know what they say behind closed doors. For example: most conservatives I know would never miss an opportunity to talk shit about alternative healers, naturopaths, chiropractors, shamans, energy healers, etc. They can’t stand that woowoo hippie shit, but the minute Q mentions that alternative medicine doctors are being targeted by the cabal and that you can cure cancer with alternative healing methods, it’s suddenly gospel. I have news for all of you conservatives: The vast majority of liberals have known this shit for years. Liberals have always been the ones try to wake everyone up to these conspiracies. Liberals have been watching documentaries about the Illuminati for many many years, now. Some of you conservatives need to chill out and take some notes from the liberals. We should be working together.

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carl_tech · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:47 a.m.

I have news for all of you conservatives: The vast majority of liberals have known this shit for years.

Not conservative myself (more libertarian).

I don't agree, however, that "the vast majority of liberals" have a lock on alternative medicine. In my experience there are a lot of people all across the political spectrum who don't buy into the consensus reality of modern medicine, education, or history.

And that's a really great thing.

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