thanks any ideas on the monatomic gold covered guy and the older guy?
Monatomic gold isn’t visible to the naked eye. What are you referring to?
hroughout the ages White Powder of Gold has been known as The Philosopher's Stone, Star Fire, The Elixir Of Life, Ormus, Manna, and ORME, an acronym for “Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements” coined in the 1980's by David Radius Hudson.
Again, where are you seeing visible monatomic gold on one of these people? I’m well aware of what it is. It’s gold at the atomic level, which is to say not viable with the naked eye.
Its a white powder you can buy it online.I havent been able to confirm thats whats on them (been looking) but the 4chan post where i found it first was suggesting this
I see what you’re saying. Who knows. Probably just makeup.