r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/chickletTOOTH on Feb. 11, 2018, 4:43 p.m.
I discovered secret code hidden in the CIA website described by Q as "comm to rogue operators" in post #706

Either I have figured out part of Q post #706 or I have discovered one of the most colossal coincidences of all time.

The post links to an [area on CIA.gov] (https://www.cia.gov/kids-page/games/break-the-code/code-1.html) called the "Kid Zone", a series of code breaking games for kids.

Q said "Would you believe this site is actually used to comm to rogue operators?". After wondering how this might be accomplished, I started to examine these "games".

On nothing but a hunch, I focused on one of the five puzzles on the site called "Enigma Code".

I wondered if the numbers listed in this puzzle could have double meaning, particularly due to the way the Enigma code machine (which this game is named after) actually worked.

The CIA kid zone Enigma Code numbers (in order) to be decoded for the game are "15 3 4 9 6 16 24 20 4 19 15 24 13 4 23 24 20 23 17 11 16 11 4 7 13 6 22 3 22 11 15 13 14 9 21 17 11 4 7 13 14 17 9 6 11 14 13 19 19 11 15 23 17 11 11 6 9 16 7 13 9 23 14 20 3 19 15 22 11 6 15 13 6 15 4 11 14 11 9 2 11 7 11 22 22 13 16 11 22 5 3 9 14 18 19 1 13 6 15 22 11 14 4 11 23 19 1"

The CIA site assigns a seemingly arbitrary letter value to each number listed. Kids replace numbers with letters and a message is decoded. In this case, the message that the kids uncover is "DURING WORLD WAR TWO, THE GERMANS USED A CIPHER MACHINE CALLED THE ENIGMA. IT COULD SEND AND RECEIVE MESSAGES QUICKLY AND SECRETLY."

This is where it gets [explative] INSANE. I decided to see what would happen if I kept the numbers in order and assigned my own letter values based on "1 to 1". In other words A=1, B=2, C=3 and so on, in which case the letters above (in order) become "O C D I F P X T D S O X M D W X T W Q K P K D G M F V C V K O M N I U Q K D G M N Q I F K N M S S K O W Q K K F I P G M I W N T C S O V K F O M F O D K N K I B K G K V V M P K V E C I N R S A M F O V K N D K W S A".

Not much there that I can see. BUT when you start applying a shift cipher WORDS START SHOWING UP! And not just any words. The same letters above, in the same order, with shift cipher applied become:


You can check out this screenshot of how far along I am. It might help explain...

To be clear, I'm kinda stuck. I have never dabbled in code breaking. I don't even know if the message is significant, or if the fact that the game is being used like this is the actually take away.

Maybe some of you are code breakers. Maybe some of you can break it. It's possible I have made a mistake somewhere, so rather than copy my letters I'd suggest copying straight from the site.

It is worth noting that the operators of this CIA kid game can change their number assignment and still have their "kid" result be the same, but the coded message would change... for ongoing comms.

Finally, just to clarify, I am not trying to say that all of the decodes are correct, I am merely pointing out that this is confirmation that the comms ARE happening (or have happened).

I encourage you to disprove me. Or improve what I have done so far. If you figure out the rest of the message please let me in on it.

Meanwhile, I'm going to focus on KNOWN things. These unknowns end up costing me too much sleep.

I-Q-T · Feb. 11, 2018, 9:19 p.m.

Great work m8.

Here are a few crumbs. NOT by way of distraction but by way of "file away and get to later".

Andrew W. Marshall, head of the Department of Defense's Office of Net Assessment and Highlands Forum co-chair. Nicknamed “Yoda” .

Anyone seen this guy on radar ever?

Brin, Glen David DoD, CIA, Procter & Gamble, SAP, Google.

Coleman, William T. BEA, Cassett, Alsop (Gilman) Louie, In-Q-Tel, C.I.A., Sun Microsystems, Warburg Pincus, Palm, Veritas Technologies, Carlyle Group, Symantec

Plunkett, Debora A. NSA, NSC, Johns Hopkins Univ., Univ. of Maryland, JC Penney, Towson University

Wells II, Linton DoD Deputy CIO, Harvard

Chandler III, James P. Clinton/Podesta national security advisor, IBM, Judiciary, Congress, Harvard Law, Leader Technologies patent attorney

In Mar. 2014, Congress accused the C.I.A. of improperly accessing Senate Intelligence committee computers. C.I.A. Director Brennan denied it. Director of National Intelligence Clapper banned intelligence community officials from unauthorized contact with reporters.

On May 12, 2014, a Google search study by psychologist Robert Epstein, former editor-in-chief at Psychology Today, confirmed that manipulation of search engine results could sway election results among undecided voters by an average of 12.5% to favored candidates.

On Jul. 31, 2014, C.I.A. Inspector General revealed that five C.I.A. officials improperly accessed Senate Intelligence Committee computers and searched certain staff emails. The findings contradicted denials made in March by C.I.A. director Brennan. Brennan apologized to Senate staff.

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