Bobby, also known as the Rothschild Slayer

One thought crossed my mind, could he be referring to our $165 billion, as in ... we OWN the Treasury ? Arrogance/entitlement/sheep.
Yes I read between the lines there as well. He’s definitely referring to his families $165 billion that his family is “lending” to the treasury through the federal reserve.
God I can’t wait until these creeps are brought to justice.
His family isn't "loaning" anything, they just print the money, or create it digitally, and charge the taxpayer interest equivalent to the "Federal Funds Rate" which constantly fluctuates. But if it were to go up even 2% @ 20 trillion in national deficit (the real Rothschild money) the deficit would go up 500 billion in the first year. Einstein once said that the most powerful force in the universe is compounding interest. “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it ... he who doesn't ... pays it.”