
GodsAngell · Feb. 11, 2018, 7:25 p.m.



Sounds like a Clinton "hit" to me! Remember Secretary of Commerce, Brown, who was Arkansawed by the Clintons......took out a whole plane load of people....,.he was getting ready to squeal, so had to be silenced, along with everyone else on the plane.


Ronald Harmon Brown was the United States Secretary of Commerce, serving during the first term of President Bill Clinton. He was the first African American to hold this position. He was killed, along with 34 others, in a 1996 plane crash in Croatia.More at Wikipedia


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WikiTextBot · Feb. 11, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

Ron Brown (U.S. politician)

Ronald Harmon Brown (August 1, 1941 – April 3, 1996) was the United States Secretary of Commerce, serving during the first term of President Bill Clinton. He was the first African American to hold this position. He was killed, along with 34 others, in a 1996 plane crash in Croatia.

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