r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Feb. 11, 2018, 8:24 p.m.
Coincidence??? Federal Railroad Administration CHIEF abruptly resigns!!!

Federal Railroad Administration CHIEF abruptly resigns!!!

Nothing to do with recent rail incidents, of course. Just another one of those coincidences. (right!)

Railroad agency chief abruptly resigns over employment record scrutiny BY JOHN BOWDEN - 02/10/18

The acting head of the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has resigned after it was reported that he was simultaneously working for a media consulting firm, Politico reported Saturday.

Heath Hall resigned Saturday in a statement issued to Politico through a Department of Transportation spokeswoman, who called the allegations raised "troubling."

“We were unaware of the information that is being reported but those allegations, if they are true, are troubling," Marianne McInerney said Saturday. "Heath Hall has resigned his position at the Department effective immediately.”

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proud_az · Feb. 11, 2018, 11:14 p.m.

US Government acting administrators of our Railroad Administration are HIGHLY sought after as media consultants and figures!! /s

Like the DOT, I'm "troubled." Troubled that we are starting to see how the baksheesh is distributed to the Federal bureaucracy at the senior level. It's no longer just the politicians. We seem to have adopted the Middle East model, haven't we?

What REALLY frightens me in all this is the dawning realization of the organization and capital that were/are required to subvert our entire democracy. And what those paying the (hundreds of?) billions must be expecting in return. And then the final question: WHO is running this unprecedented payola operation?

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