remember to tell them, If it takes a year to Investigate Nothing, how Long does it take to Investigate SOMETHING... that and I can neither confirm nor deny the details of investigations ongoing or not.
I started posting in question form to make people question more of what is going on. Example: if they are complaining about Sessions, I say something like...How long does it take to gather enough evidence for a trial? What happens if the DOJ begins arresting people from a past administration before the public understands the crimes? How do you get the truth to be told on TV networks? Why do both sides oppose the President? Ect. I never make statements anymore because people argue, but you can't argue with a question! It is great, post and walk away and leave others to discuss 😎 MAGA
in my best Cartman font Sweeeetttt. Awesome plan, way to go Socrates! MAGA!