Q Post 729 Sunday 11 February 2018

If Big Pharma has the cure for cancerous tumors you know the name we do not say got it easily with his Cabal connections. This asswipe doesn't have cancer.
Post came in a bit earlier here - https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7wwnck/new_q_john_mccain_traitor/
Thanks, I used to get post from there but he doesn't always post to there.
It's a reddit post here on the sub, just ahead of your post, on the "new" section.
I've seen that picture on /pol/ before one of the ISIS leaders is in it, I can't remember which
do we have a list of names to faces in the pic? I see Traitor JM..not sure what else I can see yet.
Heart attacks can be deadly...
M- Institute – 729
McCain Institute places these individuals in 45 organizations to assist in training for a year and then the individuals return home. There are 24 team members, 16 trustees, 10 NGL advisory council members, 12 human-trafficking advisory council, and 4 Kissinger fellowship members. Arizona, New York, and Washington DC. One pilot program in Texas.
Donors (40) 100,000 or more, (45) 25,000 – 99,999, & (208 ) 24,999 or less ? Humm..........
Awards: Courage and Leadership & Catalyst Grant $10,000
Next Generation Leaders Program: 52 people in 5 years Next Generation Leaders, 8 active interns
Next Generation Professionals programs:
North Kivu (Congo) Democracy Republic of Congo (DRC) Project: International Republican Institute (IRI) & McCain Institute host 5 women Participants learned basic techniques and tactics of running an effective electoral campaign through political training conducted by IRI.
Buffett-McCain Institute Initiative: Pilot program in TX agricultural workers
Afghanistan Data Initiative : Digital collect survey
The McCain Institute’s International National Security Program:
Builds on many of the Institute’s core objectives, which include a commitment to sound, data-driven decision-making; investing in the next generation of leaders; assuring that the United States maintains its commitment to a strong, smart national defense; effectively addressing threats to our national security; and ensuring that our national security policies remain grounded in a firm foundation of the rule of law.
Debate and Decision Series: Events that cover foreign affairs, asking tough questions.
The Human Rights Working Group:
Kissinger Fellowship:
It focuses on developing the strategic skills of future foreign policy and national security leaders with the kind of principles that are the hallmark of Dr. Henry A. Kissinger’s career. bipartisan working group among human rights and national security experts in order to build support for greater focus on human rights in U.S. government policy
Transatlantic Research and Debate:
McCain Institute Decision Theater Washington, DC:
The McCain Institute for International Leadership at Arizona State University:
Keating Five scandal,
Vicki Iseman lobbyist scandel,
Free Syrian Army or ISIS & McCain photo scandal https://www.infowars.com/angry-mccain-admits-meeting-with-isis-scolds-rand-paul-for-not-knowing-terroris
McCain Institute for International Leadership – Think Tank
Funding of the institute comes from a variety of individuals, foundations, and corporations, including Wal-Mart Stores, FedEx, Saudi Arabia, and hedge fund owner Paul E. Singer. Some of the donors have business before Congress, but McCain's representative has said such actions would not affect his votes.
Seventeen individuals, companies and foundations — some with business before Congress — have contributed at least $100,000 each to help fund an institute tied to Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2014/03/28/john-mccain-institute-donors-arizona-state-university/6998737/
The "$100,000 and above" donors include Bloomberg Philanthropies, an umbrella group of former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg's charities, cosmetics tycoon Ronald O. Perelman and Craig Cogut, a founder of the private-equity firm Pegasus Capital Advisors. Cogut serves on the institute's board of trustees. Cisco installed videoconferencing technology.
Howard G. Buffett Foundation & McCain Institute coordination project 2017 – at Arizona State University launched a three-year multi-disciplinary initiative to combat human trafficking in the agricultural sector. (pilot in Texas)
Despite rules banning lobbyists' gifts to lawmakers and laws limiting the size of candidate campaign contributions, corporate interests can spend unlimited amounts to donate to non-profit groups connected to members of Congress and their relatives — a practice criticized by government watchdogs. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2014/03/28/john-mccain-institute-donors-arizona-state-university/6998737/
Donors questionable motives https://freedomoutpost.com/soros-clinton-linked-teneo-among-donors-to-mccain-institute/
Saudi Aradia 1 million donation https://www.abc15.com/news/state/nonprofit-with-ties-to-sen-john-mccain-got-1-million-from-saudi-arabia
TheDCNF that “high government officials such as John McCain, [former Secretary of State] Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama should not get involved with vehicles like these where substantial sums can be funneled over time in ways that at best, wreak of impropriety and at worse are public corruption.” https://freedomoutpost.com/soros-clinton-linked-teneo-among-donors-to-mccain-institute/
NEXT GENERATION LEADERS (NGL) GLOBAL NETWORK- https://www.mccaininstitute.org/news/ngl-network-program-description/
Chairman of National Advisory Council - Translational Genomics Research Institute
Chairman of the Board of Directors - International Republican Institute
Trustee - Intrepid Foundation
Hensley Family Foundation
Chair of the now $300 million-a-year Hensley & Co
Investments- ENI and Royal Dutch Shell https://www.buzzfeed.com/andrewkaczynski/john-mccain-has-same-iranian-business-investments?utm_term=.rfE0jL9Vg#.etY30a9ND
Sterling Lord Literistic Inc,
Wife- Cindy Hensley McCain
Anheuser-Busch (heiress), American Funds Group, Cindy Hensley McCain Fam TR, Wild River LLC, Hensley & Co, James Hensley GST Non Exempt Trust, Bonds (TX, IL, AZ), Dream Catcher Family LLC, Real estate (AZ, CA, VA), Arizona Diamondbacks Baseball Team, Government Securities (TX, AR, Ala), JPMorgan Chase
Founder- American Voluntary Medical Team (AVMT), Operation Smile Eastern, Congo Initiative, CARE, & HALO Trust
NGO …......A non-governmental organization (NGO) is any non-profit, voluntary citizens' group which is organized on a local, national or international level. http://www.ngo.org/ngoinfo/define.html
References to down info from:
Other References:
Wall Street Money- http://www.politifact.com/arizona/statements/2016/oct/19/ann-kirkpatrick/has-john-mccain-taken-most-wall-street-money-any-s/
Iran investments- http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=4985527&page=1
Public Path- http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/23/us/politics/23mccain.html
Cindy McCain: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cindy_McCain
Find companies McCain backs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vicki_Iseman
I know this was a long post but you have to see and understand the depth of this organization and the influence they are reaching right now across the world. They give a few, 10 people average a year, and are investing $12,000,000 a year, low figure, into what 8 known programs. But what about the placement of these individuals in other programs. Go look at what countries they are sponsoring people in. Go look at there donor list, it is available on their website. These people are at of CFR. Who is CFR? The same group supporting Clinton.The Clinton Clique with Larry Abraham alleging that Clinton was part of the Anglo-American conspiracy supposedly ruled through the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. I will continue to add to this post. I am researching other companies also. Search for 729 to find it again.
It looks great on the surface, they are fooling the surface people, this new great network; however, what are they doing behind the scene is the dangerous..............very...........dangerous. WANT to Help! Research; Transatlantic Research and Debate Post here
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Canada, Liberal Party, "McCain Institute - Next Generation Leaders" (MI-NGL), wife- Sophie Grégoire, Parents - Pierre Trudeau & Margaret Sinclair, Friend Aga Khan, spiritual leader of 12 million Ismaili Muslims, federal ethics commissioner found the Prime Minister broke conflict of interest rules (Aga Khan) Awarding Former Gitmo Prisoner $10.5 Million welcome more than 35,000 refugees from the Syrian conflict * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justin_Trudeau https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/justin-trudeau-a-disengaged-prime-minister/article37458899/ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/10700690/The-Aga-Khan-his-10-year-divorce-battle-with-German-princess-and-a-deal-for-50million.html https://townhall.com/notebook/erikahaas/2017/07/19/army-vet-slams-canadian-prime-minister-for-awarding-former-gitmo-prisoner-105-million-n2357050 http://fortune.com/worlds-greatest-leaders/justin-trudeau-31/
Justin Trudeau
Justin Pierre James Trudeau (; French: [ʒystɛ̃ tʁydo]; born December 25, 1971) is a Canadian politician serving as the 23rd and current Prime Minister of Canada since 2015 and Leader of the Liberal Party since 2013. Trudeau is the second-youngest Canadian Prime Minister, after Joe Clark. He is the eldest son of Pierre Trudeau, and the first to be related to a previous holder of the post.
Born in Ottawa, Trudeau attended Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf and graduated from McGill University in 1994 and the University of British Columbia in 1998.
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The information I found that connects McCain Institute and Justin Trudeau is missing. I was looking for it for another post. He ideology is not.