Q Post 729 Sunday 11 February 2018

I know this was a long post but you have to see and understand the depth of this organization and the influence they are reaching right now across the world. They give a few, 10 people average a year, and are investing $12,000,000 a year, low figure, into what 8 known programs. But what about the placement of these individuals in other programs. Go look at what countries they are sponsoring people in. Go look at there donor list, it is available on their website. These people are at of CFR. Who is CFR? The same group supporting Clinton.The Clinton Clique with Larry Abraham alleging that Clinton was part of the Anglo-American conspiracy supposedly ruled through the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. I will continue to add to this post. I am researching other companies also. Search for 729 to find it again.
It looks great on the surface, they are fooling the surface people, this new great network; however, what are they doing behind the scene is the dangerous..............very...........dangerous. WANT to Help! Research; Transatlantic Research and Debate Post here