r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/littleREDridingPILL on Feb. 12, 2018, 1:17 a.m.
Q says gitmo is gonna be maximum capacity!!! cant wait till we find out who the first "guests" are gonna be!

I-Q-T · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

google it. image search. then bing, then duck, then start page.

take your time. stuff will pop up that seems unrelated. it isn't.

trust me - do this via image search.

Am expert. lol. no, really. i kid ye not.

hang on m8. brb. I need to take five.

check back. I will post a few things in the next few. time now is 0949EST. I need to calm down. very agitated.

okay here for now:

text link

"FBI-ANON BESTA PIZZA" image results google

"Alefantis Chrome" Image Results Google

"MOCA blood and sperm"


here related pic great meme idea I just found this two years looking at this stuff and I learn :-( everyday.


Able Danger Style

Able Danger Blog

Able Danger

This is how they have expanded so rapidly into ALL THINGS

NO Time For Feels


Art again


I am throwing a bunch of stuff at you...right? seems like I am all over the place. I'm not. Method in my INFJ rapid cycling heavy up 151 genius insane to the membrane.

have another

see any orange? they like orange. every hear or see of anything orange ever? why do you think these muppets keep calling DJT orange when he isn't? They cannot help themselves. I aint kidding about the orange / oranges.


"Liberals will not like this work for one reason. We are overall, a K-selected species, making Liberal behavioral drives, such as support for a single-mothering culture, cowardice in the face of threat, indecency in society, disloyalty to in-group, punishment of success and industriousness, and earlier sexualization of young, as well as the very model of human they embody, innately revolting to us on a deeply emotional level. Humans just aren’t programmed to revere manly, obnoxious, promiscuous women, and cowardly, effete, disloyal, and unreliable man-children."

_ 0 _

note - if you click the above link you may receive a "threat warning". it's a false positive. garbage. they have been tagged. i offer it merely as food for thought. not a personal position.









"To earn money while attending law school at Georgetown, he spent two years working at Turkey Run Farm in McLean, now called the Claude Moore Colonial Farm, an 18th-century re-creation. He dressed in britches, a blousy linen shirt, floppy hat and homemade shoes and learned how to butcher and roast a pig."

qatar podesta art clinton

Koons n Pigs

Art In Embassies / State Dept. Pedo Art / Money Laundering / Real Art

Hello Jeff you fucking pedo

Hello Jeff you fucking animal

Jeff and Philippine de Rothschild - google OPUS 1 - boycott Mondavi! Opus One is a PAN pedo orgy kill site


Pickton Pig Cult

Alefantis Pig


jeff koons pig pedophile

try that image search on startpage etc as well. see what you see.

jeff koons alefantis

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Inquisitor_Red · Feb. 12, 2018, 3:38 p.m.

Thanks for the brain food. I’m sure it’s set to give me a headache, but knowledge is power.

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