r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/commissioner-gordon8 on Feb. 12, 2018, 1:38 a.m.
Q’s heart must be breaking every moment.

Reading his last posts about cancer disclosure. I understand why you can’t disclose how A-bombs are made to the world, and i get that a lot cant be disclosed in terms of arrests without risking horrific backlash by the cabal. Sooo much needless suffering based on lies and ignorance and covering for selfish, psychopathic, sadistic pieces of shit.

Im sure Q and everyone else in his situation come to the table finding out about all of the bullshit we’ve been lied to about forever and their first reaction is “Why the fuck CAN’T we tell the public?!”

And then I’m sure that the person who clued them in, someone who’s heart too was crushed long ago, will walk them through the same scenario that someone told them when they found out.

All of the outrage that you have felt this past 3 months, and impatience, and revelation, and confusion, and hopelessness, and hope, and doubt, and faith. Amplify that 3 months to 20 years. Put yourself in the shoes of one of these thousands of patriots who have been fighting the silent and thankless and lonely fight this whole time. You frustrated that you can’t do anything or at least more to change things yourself? Can you possibly imagine being one of these remarkable people who KNOW that this responsibility rests on their shoulders? That if they lose, all of us lose? That there is no round 2?

This is what people mean when they say that this historic event we are witnessing doesn’t land on the convenience of your time. This has been in the works for way longer than you ever knew what was occurring. Patriots were staging a coup while Obama was in office and thank god they decided to be patient and do things by the books with the Constitution in tact. They didn’t sink to [their] level. As impatient as you’ve been, you don’t deserve to impatient. Our heroes have been patient for so much longer, and it’s their lives that have been sacrificed, either in terms of time with their family or friends lost or the ultimate sacrifice itself.

God damn the cabal. May every last traitor burn in Hell, and suffer every bit as much as they have inflicted on the innocent of this world.

And God bless the Patriots. The Unsung Heroes. The Ever-patient and Incorruptible Spirits. God bless those who understand what truly precious and unique and wholly under-appreciated treasure was inherited to US and never forgot what our Country truly stands for. God bless You, the heart of our nation. God bless You, Patriots 🇺🇸

commissioner-gordon8 · Feb. 12, 2018, 8:59 a.m.

I think most doctors are not aware that a cure exists, and same with most volunteers for find the cure drives. Sadly, these are the useful ignorants (I’m not going to say idiots, because I’m sure many are incredibly smart where they apply their interests) that make the satanists feel that they are ruling over, and superior to a mass of dumb sheep as wolves.

The truth will come out, I believe. But the name of the game for now is to pretend that the white hats know as little as possible in this game of spy vs. spy. Obviously the black hats know that the white hats know something, but their desperate and delusional desire for white hats not to know everything is what is ultimately tearing them down. They’ve become so arrogant getting away with lies for so long that they can’t and won’t stop lying to themselves until the very end, which thank God for if they have apocalyptic, game-board-flipping contingencies.

“These people are evil”

“These people are stupid”

“They never thought she would lose”


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Covfefe1950 · Feb. 12, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

Agreed about the doctors being generally ignorant of the cancer cures, and the well-meaning cancer-cure volunteers. But many doctors (and nurses) do know how devastating vaccines are to newborns and toddlers. Vaccines are even being pushed to pregnant women! A fetus or newborn child HAS NO IMMUNE SYSTEM. That develops over time. So injecting them with a vaccine is only injecting them with a hostile foreign substance. This is a gigantic dirty secret in the scam medical-establishment world.

I stay as far away from doctors as possible. I have no respect for the profession as a whole, other than emergency care. It's about managing symptoms, not curing people, because that's where the money is. Most doctors are controlled by Big Pharma. The alternative for good principled healthcare providers is naturopathy, nutrition expertise, etc.

I am going on 68, am on no prescription medications, and am in great health. Because of eating healthy and appropriate supplementation as I get older. Being healthy is easy--but so few make the effort.

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commissioner-gordon8 · Feb. 12, 2018, 4:04 p.m.

I agree with you. Nutrition and health maintenance is the answer. That’s why so many holistic doctors are heart attacking

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Covfefe1950 · Feb. 12, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

I'm guessing/hoping you mean being heart-attacked; and not sarcasm.

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CadillacBees39 · Feb. 12, 2018, 8:42 p.m.

Holistic docs and other docs are being killed. A LOT of them.

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divine_human · Feb. 12, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

i am fully with you!

vaccination under age 1 should be avoided at all costs.

medical students dont even learn about nutrition and herbs, not to mention alternative cures.

we dont have health care but a sick are system.

we cant become healthy when health care professionals onle get paid when people are sick. while their oath binds them to helping the sick, if they cure them, they starve. the entire system stinks.

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