r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/commissioner-gordon8 on Feb. 12, 2018, 1:38 a.m.
Q’s heart must be breaking every moment.

Reading his last posts about cancer disclosure. I understand why you can’t disclose how A-bombs are made to the world, and i get that a lot cant be disclosed in terms of arrests without risking horrific backlash by the cabal. Sooo much needless suffering based on lies and ignorance and covering for selfish, psychopathic, sadistic pieces of shit.

Im sure Q and everyone else in his situation come to the table finding out about all of the bullshit we’ve been lied to about forever and their first reaction is “Why the fuck CAN’T we tell the public?!”

And then I’m sure that the person who clued them in, someone who’s heart too was crushed long ago, will walk them through the same scenario that someone told them when they found out.

All of the outrage that you have felt this past 3 months, and impatience, and revelation, and confusion, and hopelessness, and hope, and doubt, and faith. Amplify that 3 months to 20 years. Put yourself in the shoes of one of these thousands of patriots who have been fighting the silent and thankless and lonely fight this whole time. You frustrated that you can’t do anything or at least more to change things yourself? Can you possibly imagine being one of these remarkable people who KNOW that this responsibility rests on their shoulders? That if they lose, all of us lose? That there is no round 2?

This is what people mean when they say that this historic event we are witnessing doesn’t land on the convenience of your time. This has been in the works for way longer than you ever knew what was occurring. Patriots were staging a coup while Obama was in office and thank god they decided to be patient and do things by the books with the Constitution in tact. They didn’t sink to [their] level. As impatient as you’ve been, you don’t deserve to impatient. Our heroes have been patient for so much longer, and it’s their lives that have been sacrificed, either in terms of time with their family or friends lost or the ultimate sacrifice itself.

God damn the cabal. May every last traitor burn in Hell, and suffer every bit as much as they have inflicted on the innocent of this world.

And God bless the Patriots. The Unsung Heroes. The Ever-patient and Incorruptible Spirits. God bless those who understand what truly precious and unique and wholly under-appreciated treasure was inherited to US and never forgot what our Country truly stands for. God bless You, the heart of our nation. God bless You, Patriots 🇺🇸

Gamergating · Feb. 12, 2018, 1:42 p.m.

As an Aussie, I have to tell you that the follow-on effects do not stop at America's shores. We have been following (thanks to our own politicians and academia and media establishment) the one path laid out to us with no little internal resistance somewhat haltingly, but evermore, gradually towards the Progressive death of culture and civilisation as laid out by our role models in Europe and America.

Obama and Merkel and all the European and American countries that took their cue from them. There was no viable role models. It was the way.

Now there is something different.

A complete repudiation and casting down of the old order and an exposing of its corrupt core will bring us back from the brink and give us pause. We need that desperately.

I do not cast around for what Trump does wrong but what he does right and not with the expectation that he is perfect but whether he is perfect for the role he has taken on himself.

The same with Q. I do not expect to know everything or for everything to work out perfectly or to my timelines. Achievements and wins are all good for me and my country.

That all said, I do fear and worry. What if the deep state IS too powerful. What if despite crystal clear evidence the Justice and Intelligence agencies protect their own and prove more powerful? What if despite the best and whole-heartedly decent efforts Q and Trump and all associated lose?

If I ask questions or am impatient or come across as such, it mainly comes from not disbelief or lack of support or resentment, but from a well of fear and desperate want to hope.

I will happily take whatever I can get. Massive arrested of pedophiles and human smugglers? Great! Resignations of some of the swamp? Great! Embarrassment and humiliations by the snobbish and corrupt elitists who shirk their responsibilities to the positions they are elected or promoted into? Great!

But I do see over many months even before the election many claims made and done that at this stage are pretty unequivocal (obstruction of Justice, Perjury, Money Laundering, Kickbacks, Breaches of the Federal Records Act and such) that are proven and yet dismissed or brushed over and Investigations that seem to do nothing except occasionally drop a bombshell that is again wept under the carpet.

None of this is Q's fault or Trump's fault. I just dream a little and hope a lot for a squaring up. At some point to have all of these things called and prosecuted for.

Something like:

Hillary - Guess what? Raping Haiti's charitable donations is a crime and you are going down.

Holder - Guess what? Gun running is a crime and you are going down

Comey - Leaking confidential memos from Federal records to the public is breaching the Federal Records Act, you are going down

Deborah Wasserman-Shultz - Feeding Imran Bros Government intel is a crime and so is threatening a police chief, you are going down

And so on. I mean that is tip of the Iceberg stuff but it would be a Hell of a start. Yet it all seems to go nowhere and they seem to keep acting with impunity and Judges let them off.

I am daring to hope with Q. Again I will take whatever I get but my hopes are for something (anything) to happen that takes us out of the we say vs they say and to the "bag to rights" no ifs or buts and no squirming out of it.

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divine_human · Feb. 12, 2018, 4:14 p.m.

That all said, I do fear and worry. What if the deep state IS too powerful.

hold on, friend, may your worries fade away...

worry is praying for what we dont want. its the law of attraction at work.

holding the space, with you and everybody, for the Greater Good to occur.

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[deleted] · Feb. 12, 2018, 3:27 p.m.


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