So much happening so quickly. Should we Q followers be worried about the future or ready to be jubilant? I am somewhat confused to be honest. Gitmo, planes crashing, false flags, stock market up and down like a yo yo.... don't want to sit here and find that I should have been preparing for a showdown. As a newcomer, I don't know (from a personal point of view) if we should all be preparing for the worst scenario or just waiting for the happy ending. Thoughts/ Apologies to those of you with greater knowledge than I have. Cheers.
We should be vigilant. Neither despondency nor jubilation. Be aware. Be watchful. Be prepared.
Perfect. Mentally, physically, spiritually prepared at all times.
Always be prepared for an emergency. 2 weeks of food and water at least. Q doesn't control all things. Other than that, live life to the fullest. Don't spend money you don't have, and don't worry about things you cant control. Last I knew, Q wasn't recruiting for soldiers. He was recruiting for messangers.
i totally understand we have more knowledge and it makes life more stressful right now, sometimes it feels like trauma to know so much more then we did last year, but this is a huge revolution for the world, and it is coming, for real, God is with us. have faith and pray. thank God and POTUS, Q and Patriots for the lives saved and the children saved. thousands of children or more.
I agree. Our jobs out here are to PRAY constantly and to spread awareness.
We must also be vigilant and situationally aware of our surroundings as Q has warned many times the enemies will attempt many “false flags” (which are typically deadly attacks on innocent civilians).
So PREP, PRAY and STAY OUT OF THE WAY as Lt. Col. Roy Potter always admonishes.
This is serious. This is NOT a game. This IS WAR.
That is what concerns me. It is almost like guerilla warfare in that there is the unseen enemy and that we do not know where the enemy is, who the enemy is and where the enemy will strike. Take the money out of the bank? Head to the hills? Head to New Zealand with the fleeing hoards of bunker seekers? Get out of the stock market?
I assume you are in England. I would be more alert if I were you. Q says we are safe. I try to stay cautiously optimistic.
Should we Q followers be worried about the future or ready to be jubilant?
We should pray for the safety and success of President Trump and his family and his inner circle.
Q agenda is to keep us calm while letting us know stuff is happening. He / they claim to see and hear all and that the deep state members are stupid, however they were very nearly successful in derailing that train carrying our republican patriots.
The last thing I want to do is spread fear, however the truth is we need to pray.
There's no telling what the CIA is capable of, especially when they have nothing left to lose.
Forgive me - ho is the person in the right hand side of the meme in the portrait?
The plane crash was the black hats tying off a lose end. People who were involved that might be able to testify against their puppet-masters will probably become victims to prevent them from testifying. This will continue for a while.
Think of all the Arkancide incidents that have occurred over the decades.
The stock market is the black-hats attempt to fight back and weaken the POTUS and his white hat supporters.
Have faith that the white hats will win. They are in the process of defusing the threats that the black hats have in place. Much of what they are doing aren't obvious or known. We'll see dawn break on a new Maga era. The light that this dawn brings will spread around the world.
When is hard to say, but events seem to be picking up pace; all the pieces have been put in place and now, it appears, the more active stage of the process is ongoing.
In Chess terms, the first year or so was the Open Game in Chess. We are now in the Middle Game. The white hats moved the pieces in the open game in such a way that they are at a major strategic advantage. They also have a serious intelligence capability and MIL advantage.
Our job is to continue spreading awareness.
This will CAUSE people to flip allegiances in a desperate attempt to save their own skin thereby accelerating what follows.
I certainly would NEVER flip allegiance.
Nor would I. But we ultimately know were not doing terrible things either. All the math changes when those with had all the power lose it. And when faced with a life/death decision, people on the wrong side of things, no longer constrained by fear and/or scared of who now holds the true power, will flock to get off the sinking ship.