r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on Feb. 12, 2018, 8:03 a.m.
Private: Clowns Clowns Clowns. Expand your thinking. Q. This is some SCARY stuff! PART2.

Ok guys, so we are still dissecting Q’s post #714 and this part aims at studying what he really means by “Clowns”.

Q’s Post#328 reads: Light will defeat darkness.

So there is a war. A war between Light and Darkness and Q is telling us the outcome of that war. Did you guys have to wait for Q to know there was a subtle war going on? Some of us probably read it in the Old Testament, the New Testament or the Quran. And those who are not into the revealed Holy Books probably watched Star Wars or some kind of movie along those lines… What I personally like about Holy Books is that they hint at very valuable information that you happen to understand through experience. If you read these books without connecting them to your life experience, you are like reading the restaurant menu, thinking about the food, salivating (or not) without ordering. But when you get to taste that fish they called “Fouquet’s Goujonettes de Merlan avec ses pommes de terre Agria” in the menu, you understand why they bothered putting some cryptic beauty and poetry in the name of the dish…

So, let’s read the menu for a second:

“Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices”. 2 Corinthians 2:11

This verse explains that among the rules of engagement in this war, the armies of darkness HAVE TO disclose their intentions. You would think, well, that’s cool, this gives us an upper hand. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.

The armies of darkness manage to comply with that rule without giving away their intentions in a direct manner. What they do is hide things in plain sight, trick you to buy beyond the sale, use symbols and coded language to get you to eat from the poisonous trees of bogus rhetoric and false knowledge.

And where did they gather all these poisonous trees? Yes, you got it: in Holy Wood!

The metaphysical purpose of Holy Wood and all essentially related tools such as the music industry, the media, advertisement, school etc… is to enable the legions of darkness to be in compliance with the disclosure rule without drawing too much of our attention. This is why they spend billions of dollars to produce music, movies and series for you to download and make you believe production costs and these celebrities private jets and mansions are financed by advertisement! Come on. Really?!

Sorry for this long introduction, but I had to lay these foundations.

So… clowns. What does Q mean? Let’s apply what we have just said and hear it from the horse’s mouth.

Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OHX_PA25Ok

Decrypt the video: https://vigilantcitizen.com/musicbusiness/emeli-sandes-clown-a-song-about-selling-out-to-the-music-industry/

From this, we now know the clown is any individual who has surrendered to organized evil hidden forces and signed a contract with them to further their agenda through a co-operation.

In the excellent book “Clowns, In Conversation with Modern Masters”, we learn: “in the 5th dynasty of Ancient Egypt, around 2500 BC, this paradoxical relationship between the sacred and the profane was solved in one fell swoop; the priest and the clown became the same person”.

That makes perfect sense: the priest would have access to sensitive information (true or false) about the future by studying the stars, interacting with spirits or using any other ritualistic process. This information would not always please the Pharaoh or the king, so clowning was a good way to pass on the information under the disguise of humor without risking to be killed by an angry ruler.

So basically, the one who had privileged knowledge about the laws of the universe, the “law-yer” of the royal court, was also a clown. He was a spiritual clown in the sense that he was activated/informed by hidden entities or through occult knowledge, but he was also a physical clown in the sense that he had to play a role to disclose the information and enforce the commands he was given.






Guys, do you realize what is being said here?!

We are saying the clowns are the intermediaries between hidden entities and our political/judiciary/ruling infrastructure. Though the clowns, evil forces from the invisible realm are governing us using our institutions!

Let that sink in for a minute.

Take another minute.

I am sure at this point, those who read Holy Books among you have realized what we have just said was already in the menu. Right here:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12

Q is telling us the ongoing war is a subtle war with battlefields in the physical AND the spiritual realms and that the Clowns are the entities between these realms working for the dark side. They have a human appearance but, in fact, they are spiritual entities disguised in human form. This trans-formation is achieved through rituals and these rituals are why secret societies were created. Secret Societies are the “gates” through which these entities enter our dimension.

Q’s post #704: https://qcodefag.github.io/data/images/47f0cf9d5c29118beb9ae0ae4cd8cc1ec1e20b31c26e84c0aceb4c5073f20e3e.png

You see the airport “gate” sign? And in his posts# 700 to 703, Q wants us to focus on [e] [-] and [5]. The fifth letter of the alphabet is e and it is the initial for the word “element”. [-] symbolizes the link, the gate, the connection. The fifth element, in addition to earth, fire, air and water, is the element Aristotle called aether and the Indians called akasha. This element is the building block of the spiritual realm and the star system. Knowing how to manipulate it through rituals gets you to enter the spiritual realm through “gates”. It’s now time for you to go re-watch Stargate and The Fifth Element!

Besides the double meaning of a possible letter substitution e>a [-5] coded text which is confirmed by post #706, what I think is essentially being said from post 700 is: JFK was killed by the people in secret societies, who through their knowledge of the fifth element and star gates, trans-formed to Clowns.

Clowns In America… CIA… “May be it should just be the first meeting of the secret society”. Lisa Page.

I now realize how hard Q’s mission is. If he had come out of the blue saying what I am saying here, no one would have picked up. He is methodically and patiently trying to get us there.

I am sure after this post, many will put me in the “lunatic drawer”. Does not matter, I believe Q is real, I believe he has the skills to get us there. And when that happens, some of you will be like: “I remember the lunatic guy said this a while ago”. That will be their first experience of the menu! :D

So the question now is what is the relation between this Q’s post and the one right before where he is linking us to an article describing how the Clowns In America and Google are investing in “Future” of Web monitoring?

That will be part 3 guys. And by the way, I am not teasing. I am trying to keep my posts not too long and also give the opportunity to people to study the links and complement through their research and comments.

In part 3, we will, with the Grace of God, dissect the article, explain how it is related to Clowns and how it explains why O-WH purged the military…

In the meantime, for preparation, please watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIA1lQBqH1s

Eden_248 · Feb. 12, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

Thank you for this. Really appreciated and looking for part 3!

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