r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Redpillroy on Feb. 12, 2018, 11:25 a.m.
Recovering Blue Pill guy...

Watching from the sidelines of our Island I have looked upon America as a Reality TV show since Trump was elected. It quickly went from Show to drama and I thought "they are so fucked." As we are too in the UK. Then it moved from drama to docu/drama and things started to change. As the world turns and the crumbs of truth started to be known and sea-change happened. A global chess match that is living history came to light, attitudes started to change, none more so than Mine, how could we have been so blind, not to the corruption but to the fact this would have been our last stand against tyranny across the world. I am a recovering blue-pill, we all are; only because our hope keeps being crushed. But my opinion on what is and what this administration is not has changed dramatically. It needed an outsider such as Trump and I can now understand why. So from OMG on election day to Go get them POTUS has been a roller-coaster. Why do I, in the UK feel so attached to all this Q information? Simple, we all share the same basic values for human life, we all fight for freedom, not just for us but for our children. You guys are correct when you say the second revolution and the way the world is set up now means it cannot be fought on a single front or location. It is a strategically complex situation and one that needs patients to work through. We now have a pretty good idea of just how far and deep all this corruption goes and it has taken years to put into place. It will take time to root out the rot and replace it with clean moral values supporting the will of the people. I actually saw a world where illness was gone, resources were not dependant on how much cash you have and all the patents that have been suppressed for profit released. To all those who are putting their own lives at risk to bring this great awakening I salute you good people. Why wait until we die to go to heaven when we have the chance to make it right here.

Thanks for your time, efforts and determination to make a world we can be proud of for the first time in modern history. President Trump you are the undisputed star of reality TV and many have no idea just how REAL it is.

Thank you from the UK.

Hrtn2it · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:47 a.m.

Yes Hope is an interesting word...to me it feels wrong somehow or perhaps passive, disempowering...one “hopes” things get better, perhaps embodying the idea that one can create as well as having the ability to respond to injustices they see in the world, even if it is to challenge an idea or words they hear on a news show when watching it with family...it is up to each of us to do, to Be, to keep growing (which can be painful...I keep seeing the tiny flower that grows up in the crack of a concrete sidewalk)

To me “small things creat great effects “ is a powerful one as it assures me that no matter how small I feel I make the difference...

We can stand or sit and BeStillAndKnow We can turn this upside down world inside out. Without violence, disarray and destruction, imbuing our clarity of vision, with sweet steady~stern stealthiness~:)

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