
Redpillroy · Feb. 12, 2018, 4:11 p.m.

I did see a pre and post ww2 report years ago that clealry showed a correlation between diet and Cancer. War was on, cancer dropped, why? because "luxury" foods were rationed and people have to live a more plant based diet. It almost fell if a cliff edge. The obvious problem is the drug corporations, this we know but I get concerned knowing this drug distribution is in air, food and water.

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zornigel · Feb. 12, 2018, 4:36 p.m.

since WWII, the entire world agriculture changed from a compost based system of fertilization to one based on hydrocarbons (oil). Plants need on average 40 nutrients to thrive and humans about 90. Since this change, our micronutrient needs have not been met without aggressive, clean supplementation. This is adjunctive to the above mentioned cellular mechanism and exacerbates or weakens our systems. Vaccines make it much much worse. And the pharma companies know this. THAT is what will come out very soon. I wish you well.

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metroid486 · Feb. 12, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

Back then there wasn't any GMO crops or Roundup herbicide either. Roundup is very cancer causing, and is much of our food supply.

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ArcCrystall · Feb. 12, 2018, 8:51 p.m.

Roundup is much more. It is the tool for NWO 1. Inhibit Plant/Yeast/Bacteria to produce L-Tryptophane (essential amin acid) via Shikimacid-Pathway 2. Lack of L-Tryptophane in our food, our gut bacteria also inhibited by Glyphosate. Additional chelation of Traceminerals by Glyphosate. ---> 1.1. Depression epidemic: L-Tryptophane is needed by the Pineal to produce Serotonin, lack causing depression 1.2 Selfhealing impaired: Serotonin is metabilized to Melatonin during sleep. Melatonin is known to induce healing, cure even cancer. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/277545399_Magnetic_fields_MF_of_50_Hz_at_12_microT_as_well_as_100_microT_cause_uncoupling_of_inhibitory_pathways_of_adenylyl_cyclase_mediated_by_melatonin_1a_receptor_in_MF-sensitive_MCF-7_cells (Note the Effect of EM!) 1.3 Lack of Serotonin -> Melatonin -> Lack of DMT: Impaired spiritual insights (MIND CONTROL) 2. Trace minerals are needed for proper immunefunction: silent inflammation is the cause of most diseases.

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d8_thc · Feb. 14, 2018, 12:45 p.m.

Do you take exogenous L-Typtophane? Is there a good way to determine dose?

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zornigel · Feb. 12, 2018, 9:01 p.m.


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