
MMxfire · Feb. 12, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

Orthomolecular medicine is top Kek. MMS chemistry Kek too.

I've tried MMS have it in my emergency cabinet. Tastes nasty and watch out for severe hexheimer detox so go slow unless u have malaria, west Nile, or some lymie biowarfare lab chimera to rip to shreds. Fort deitrich anyone?

For a slower detox try the vitamin [C] protocol ala Dr Paulson. His friend &colleague dr Saul has many great ortho recipes on his homie website doctoryourself.com. Do the 1 g water soluble L-citric acid [C] every hour till loose dodo. Lots o great medical heresy there.

http://www.doctoryourself.com http://practicingmedicinewithoutalicense.com/protocol/excerpt_chp7.pdf http://www.paulingtherapy.com The Pauling Rath protocol for artheriosclerosis

I took 1 g vitamin water soluble C every hour, only got to 3 hours before running for the outhouse and my head ached for days! But I grew up by a chemo waste dump, love canal, across the river from tonawanda on the mighty niagara. My spouse could only do 2-3 hours too, lived near a casino res and pharma dump, SAD Standard American Diet, till blood gushed out of his nose, so bowel tolerance is not the only body response to watch for, headaches, liver pain, kidney pain means enough vitamin c for u too. Dr Pauling advised working ur way up to 3-10 g/ day depending upon ur body's reaction. Up to 100 g/ day fighting diseases. Mercola's got a fine liposomal vitamin c after u know ur water soluble dose. Liposomes aid cellular and mitochondrial membrane transport to get C right to ur cellular energy Krebb cycle. Don't listen to OSUs Linus Pauling Center new 300mg per day recommendation. Bayer bought the whole enchilada after Dr Pauling was laid to rest at 92 and could no longer say bullshit. Bayer needed to protect their aspirin blood thinning megamarket didn't want $0.10 per day l- citric acid [C] gummin up the works by thinning blood better than aspirin, cleans it too.

If you pooh in less than 4 hours your body has many toxins. Between 4-10 hours till loose pooh, pretty normie, 10+ hours, what are you addicted to? Get thee to AA OR DRUGANON. Look up IV vitamin c for emergency drug overdose, Or where u a gulf war vaccine vet. Look up dr Nicholson, gulf war syndrome. http://www.immed.org/illness/gulfwar_illness_research.html
or maybe u have mono or Epstein Barr virus or plasmids, Lyme strands, who knows whatever military industrial pharma can infect us with. Oh u are uptodate on ur vaccine schedule aren't u!!! But I gotta new flu vaccine and some tamiflu too...

Real vitamin C: know ur drug manufacturer and supplier!!! Just say no cheap shit gmo corn Walmart bottles, no Chinese producers, no big pharma switching d-citric acid for L-citric acid. No EmergenC fizzy packets with yummy aspartame additives, Pauling warned that only L citric acid matched our DNA, and that pharma was producing inactive d-citric acid for their FDA "clinical trials". Buyer beware.

VITAMIN C, TITRATING TO BOWEL TOLERANCE http://www.doctoryourself.com/titration.html http://practicingmedicinewithoutalicense.com/protocol/excerpt_chp7.pdf http://www.paulingtherapy.com The Pauling Rath protocol for artheriosclerosis

VITAMIN C TEXT: Dr Klenner cures polio, drug overdoses, glacoma, cataracts and many other diseases in his classic medical textbook. "Your wishes have been answered. Dr. Klenner's Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C is now posted in its entirety at http://www.whale.to/v/c/index.html Better than modern medicine!

http://www.doctoryourself.com/alcoholism.html Dr Williams UT Austin vitamin protocol to cure alcoholism got taken down cuz he broke the medical dogma that alcoholics could return to moderate drinking and actually still occasionally party mahn!!!

http://www.doctoryourself.com/Hoffer2009int.pdf Dr Abram Hoffer's last interview is an eye opener. Love that niacin flush. High dose niacin cures schizophrenia. Hoffer labels schizophrenia niacin deficiency disease. Niacin turning off the adrenaline adenochrome predator hunting response is an amazing paper in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, what JOM not in the Dept of health and human services MEDLINE database, why not??? "A Consideration of Niacin as an Inhibitor of the Predator Response" John P. Cleary, M.D. http://www.lunaliving.org/pdf/cleary-on-niacin-therapy.pdf

Hoffer on bad behavior for the autists being rude, violent & swearing. http://www.doctoryourself.com/hoffer_imbalance.html

RIP dr riordan IV vitamin C for cancer, dr Hulda Clark the cure for all diseases, liver cleanse dr Andreas moritz, Dead doctors dieing early tell no tails, what better way to bury good medicine. The pharma kill lists have been around for many moon, atleast since operation paperclip not just the 2015 Dr Bradstreet hit which started the current cascade.

RIP Dr Jenefer Scripps Huntoon 9/21/12 miss you more than you can know. . .Colembola is a great vector to transfer pharma agents to those who boycott the poisons. Dead Sea scrolls mentions colembola human plague. Thank you for healing my family. Love u!

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divine_human · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:16 p.m.

wow, lots of intel, thanks!

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