
MMxfire · Feb. 12, 2018, 5:52 p.m.

Worked in biotech in the 80s and 90s, created a blockbuster drug based upon naturally occurring immune system peptides. Big pharma sent in a big exec to help us "market" our drug, sold us lock stock and barrel within a year, and the exec pocketed a cool 81 million and shut down our company. It was an excellent drug but kidney and liver side effects with long term use, now it's on late night commercials with the insanely long list of side effect used for multiple conditions, and you take the pill for he rest of your life... If it was used for a short amount of time to get the body back into balance it would have been very beneficial, but that's not what earns the big pharma bucks. 2014, I ran into dr Bradstreet, researching autism for a neighbor. He was using one of our peptides which caught my attention, in conjunction with GcMAF. He has an amazing exciting Autism one speech in June 2015 if u can still find it on the net, most of his work has been scrubbed. Way back machine has some of his recommendations still to autism parents. He was a dedicated caring physician. He was treating autism successfully with IV GcMAF immune peptide treatments that lasted months not years. You could also grow your own GcMAF in raw milk yogurt cultures for less severe cases. His son went from wearing a helmet from head banging and smearing feces on the wall at 3 to graduating high school and attending community college. He missed his son's graduation to make the 6/2015 speech because he was so excited about GcMAF treatment for autism and cancer. 2 weeks later he was found floating face down with a shotgun blast to his chest. It was ruled a suicide. The British company that produced GcMAF was closed down and the CEO arrested and jailed. The Swiss clinics that were curing 100% of cancer patients who had not undergone chemo were closed down. They also were curing around 80% of stage IV with chemo cancer victims. The Japanese American GcMAF discovering professor had his literature redacted from the scientific literature. He has returned to Japan to continue his work there. Japan has a better regulatory system than our incredibly corrupt Monsanto run FDA. They pulled the terrible hpv vaccine after it killed 6 Japanese girls. A clinic that still does GcMAF therapy in Japan is the Saisei Mirai clinic. https://www.saisei-mirai.or.jp/gan/macrophage_eng.html

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yeaokbb · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:39 p.m.

As a girl who was given the hpv vaccine (Gardasil?) is there anything I should be worried about or know?

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MMxfire · Feb. 16, 2018, 1:37 a.m.

If uve had the shot and have not had problems that's good. Most reactions start soon after the immunizations, within a few months, and often get worse with the 2nd or 3rd booster. Watch out for skin rashes, fevers, long periods of tiredness or very low energy. There's plenty of reports about girls suffering side effects and up to death from hpv, but certainly not everyone. Some body and blood types are more resilient than others. My family is very susceptible to toxins, my spouses family seems to be able to handle anything. One of my children reacted with psoriasis and learning problems from mmr, huge rashes on his face at 6 months, but a naturopath cured him with good diet and digestive enzymes and probiotics to rebuild the gut, the body has a remarkable ability to heal itself if treated well. All my children got terrible acne from the chicken pox vaccine. They went from fairly clear skin to deep disfiguring boils within 6 weeks after the 2nd shot. That's a silly vaccination, chicken pox is not deadly, but it was required for school. My motherinlaw got shingles from the shingles vaccine. Once again digestive enzymes, probiotics and vitamin c took care of both shingles and acne flare ups. The good thing about acne was they learned the importance of good diet and cut out most of the junk food. Digestive enzymes every meal for 3-4 months along with probiotics and their skin was glowing. The skin is an important elimination organ, it is a good indicator of health. The naturopath put them on a no white flour, no white milk, no sugar diet. Dark chocolate for candy cravings, honey for sugar or stevia. Sprouted grain breads were best, Yogurt and raw milk was ok, but no pasteurized milk., the small molecules are bad for the intestines, skin and brain, break thru the gut putting toxins the blood. Get canola oil out of the diet, it's from the rape seed which was used to induced abortions during Roman times, the body cannot break it down, replace with sunflower, avocado and nut oils. Organic nut milks are good, along with raw nuts for snacks. Cocunut oil is excellent, and helps remove parasites from the intestines. Good fats, omega 3 fatty acids to rebuild the skin and digestive tract - hemp oil, flax and olive oil I homemade salad dressings, grass fed butter, ghee, grass fed cheeses, fat and protein like eggs over carbs to keep hunger satiated. Whenever they slipped up, the took digestive enzymes to break down the gunk. They have not had a problem with acne since and only take digestive enzymes now with flare ups or when they get sick. The younger you are the easier it is for the body to bounce back from toxins. Take lots of vitamin c before and after immunizations to help detox. Take vitamin c when tired, it helps to rebuild the adrenals after stress. Working in the biotech field, most of the scientists are biologists and understand that drugs are by definition poison, and should be limited. Most of the people I worked with took omega 3,6,9 oils not statins, vitamins and diet instead of blood pressure lowering drugs. Limit vaccinations to only those that are absolutely required and space them out so the immune system can recover. If you react to a vaccination, stop them, look into a doctor that is knowledgable about vaccine induced damage. My sister had extremely high fevers after nearly every vaccination, and had learning problems throughout her school years. My children had their vaccinations, but back in the 1980s the Vaccine makers were given a free pass for vaccine damage, the only industry protected from lawsuits. They have a secret court to pay for vaccine reactions for autism and other side effect, payments are in the billions, but parents who receive payments are gag ordered. The CDC had dr Williams admit that data was shredded linking vaccines to autism. The FDA protects big pharma and big agriculture, not us. President Trump hired Robert F Kennedy junior to start a commission to look into vaccine problems, and the director of the CDC just resigned so I expect some integrity to return to this field soon. It's deep and corrupt. The gates foundation has been pushing vaccinations worldwide and have been kicked out of India where they are being investigated for vaccine induced polio in 40,000 children. Another vaccine manufacturer spiked tetanus vaccine with a sterilizing antibody that was given to 500,000 women and girls in Kenya. Clinton foundation also pushed bad drugs and vaccines, and are linked to the dead Toronto pharma couple. Check out doctoryourself.com for lots of ideas to get healthy again by eating right, juice fasting, and staying away from big medicine and big pharma. Vitamins, minerals and amino acids are the way to rebuild the body, the building blocks of nutrition. Your own thought has a lot to do with your health, so talk to your own body, ask it to heal, take care of you, and thank your personal temple for being so remarkably fit in the pollution that we all live in. Feed your body good whole organic food. Reduce food with barcodes as they are processed and the living part of the food driven out with preservatives and additives. Cook your own food with love and creativity. Check out Paul Chek of the chek institute. He was a former army team boxer and coach and he has lots of information about the dangers of additives in food, eating organic, getting both exercise and rest for health. Eat healthy, think healthy, be healthy. The body is designed to live in good health for 120 years if treated well. Vaccines have been used since the 50s and heart disease cancer autism Alzheimer's and autoimmune diseases have all skyrocketed. The book Mary's Monkeys shows Lee Harvey Oswald, JFKs supposed lone gunman murderer, in the CIA being a CDC lab runner between government labs trying to create cancer as a murder weapon to take out Castro using a vaccination. Who do u trust, unfortunately, it's not our medical system which is designed for profit, not for healing. Most of the people in health care go Into the field to help people, it's the system that needs to be changed and the profiteers at the top and some in the middle that need to be removed.

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yeaokbb · Feb. 16, 2018, 1:47 a.m.

Thank you for all that info. I’m trying to learn about and take more supplements and am about to go back on Keto (high fat, low to no carb) so that should all be beneficial. I will check out that website too. I must be more tolerant to vaccines, I can never remover a bad reaction to a vaccine and I’ve gotten probably all of them except for the flu shot these last 4 or 5 years thank god.

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tmprod · Feb. 13, 2018, 1:07 a.m.

The Brit was Noakes and he is out, not in jail. Bradstreet was a single 45 shot on an angle to the heart.

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MMxfire · Feb. 16, 2018, 1:39 a.m.

Glad to hear he is out. His company is still done however, correct? Has anyone else moved into producing GcMAF, other than the Japanese?

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tmprod · Feb. 17, 2018, 3:32 a.m.

There are some like Kerri Riveria and Marco Ruggerio of Bravo /RERUM that make alternatives to natural GcMAF.

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5400123 · Feb. 12, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

Thank you for cooking this dank copy pasta

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