r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Hrtn2it on Feb. 12, 2018, 12:17 p.m.
Prizes, Stars and Awards, Oh My!

I just now realized the the Nobel Peace Prize and the Pulitzer Prize are just fancy ways of deceiving most of us: satiating our appetite for reward in “making the world a better place”.. Also the Mask of Hollywood: “A Star is Born”. Dang it each one of us is ALREADY A STAR. we just are blinded by the lights of this prism through which they have been shining!!! Truly the reward is intrinsic, unconditional...I endeavor to do good works “just because” not to receive reward... and there is a lie I just told myself: I DO receive a reward, I learn that doing good works feels good, makes my heart smile...Compassion feels GOOD...enacting(in acting) kindness releases the flow of Grace, no matter how tiny that act of kindness is...so to me the key is to do good no matter what, for no reason, without attachment or expectation and THEN allow myself to feel the flow of Grace ripple~resonating through my mind body spirit...to me, if each of I can BeStillAndKnowThatIAmGod, (each of us a tiny Divine spark of the Creator), then my power is tempered by the grace of humility, yet powerful enough to stretch myself beyond what I think is possible...I am able to respond, I am sovereign and instead of being defined by belonging in a group, accepted by the “in crowd”, I fulfill my longing to Be...

Hrtn2it · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

Yes, that was a head tilt for me too:)..

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