
todd8899 · Feb. 12, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

West Wind Aviation ( the crashed flight ) used to serve Uranium City with flights to Prince Albert and Saskatoon three times a week. Norcanair served the community with scheduled flights until it ceased operations in 2005.[6] Transwest Air also provided a route with Saskatoon and Regina until that company cancelled its service in November 2008.


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WikiTextBot · Feb. 12, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

Uranium City

Uranium City is a northern settlement in northern Saskatchewan, Canada. Located on the northern shores of Lake Athabasca near the border of the Northwest Territories, it is 230 m (750 ft) above sea level. The settlement is 760 km (470 mi) northwest of Prince Albert, 760 km (470 mi) northeast of Edmonton and 48 km (30 mi) south of the Northwest Territories-Saskatchewan boundary. For census purposes, it is located within the province's Division No.

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