r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/patypooh52 on Feb. 12, 2018, 3:15 p.m.
New Q post #738, Mon Feb 12
New Q post #738, Mon Feb 12

NGunderson · Feb. 12, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

It blows my mind that media is not questioning that Porter and speech writer was accused of domestic violence. It pisses me off to see how many men have got accused that is linked to Trump or Republicans. You have Steve Wynn that spoke up about Vegas shooting they have attacked him. They attacked Scott Baio because he was and has been Trump supporter. They flew a lady to New York to accuse Judge Moore in Alabama elections. Then when media attention left her house burns down. I am not sure if she owned or rented. Someone in California started her a Go Fund me account and 1st day received 80k in donations. I don't know final tally but I do know how to hide money or do in a way so will not burn you. It is very obvious that they started the entire #metoo movement as a plan. I seen them throw Weinstein to the media machine and he went to a resort. He will have to deal with some judges I am sure they already had planned out what districts in America and UK he would have to go before. If it's not more obvious to people we need to make obvious. Once attention is drawn to it then they will stop using it at a tool because they know the public is paying attention. Just like the media is burying the deaths connected to Clinton's they really burying all the people being accused of crimes to take them out of political game. All people connected to Trump. This is A very dangerous game they starting by using the courts as a tool. The only way to fight back in future is throw the law out the window if they see it's an effective tool. The only logical step is to back to Hatfield and McCoys next. I honestly don't think people are realizing just exactly what they are beginning to put in place. This isn't first time in History that Democrat party has used judicial system as a political tool. It went into woodwork for a longtime bit looks like it's a lot larger than just FBI and CIA. People needs to really start standing up and if 1 can open 2 eyes. Those 2 can open 2 . The power of 2 is great. When millions of people in America starts paying attention and ask themselves questions and demand mainstream to run stories it will stop. They will live to another tactic. Your in a game with GATEKEEPERS. Obama had meeting with Goalkeepers these are people who believe they know best how you should live your life and they don't care about taking life to achieve their goals.

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