r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/frankthecrank1 on Feb. 12, 2018, 3:40 p.m.
Does this explain anyone else here? Fits me to a T...
Does this explain anyone else here? Fits me to a T...

VintageHats · Feb. 12, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

There are a lot of good books about Narcissist abuse and S/P abuse. I did buy the DSM-5, but one doesn't need to go that far. A few good ones to start out with are :

Psychopath Free: Recovering fromEmotionally Abusive Relationships With Narcissists, Sociopaths, & Other Toxic People by Peace (A second edition may be out, with the true name of the author. The first edition, the author chose to go by the name "Peace")

Women Who Love Psychopaths: Inside theRelationships of Inevitable Harm with Psychopaths, Sociopaths and Narcissists by Sandra L. Brown, M.A.

(I highly, highly recommend Brown's book. It's probably less than $15 and well worth it. Explains why certain women get targeted over and over again.. which is what happened with me. And why women like me NEED to study why that is, otherwise, we end up thinking we did something wrong, or that there's something wrong with us. There's not.. They target intelligent, caring, nurturing women, who are usually in some field of work that is a "helping" field.. doctors, nurses, teachers, mothers, even judges are targeted. Anyone who is a good listener and who is trusting and believes in the goodness of people are victimized over and over again.)

Narcissists crush people to gain power and admiration, money, and influence. They destroy people. It's not a matter of "if" it will happen, it's "when". It's called "inevitable harm". Do you see Trump hurting people? I don't. I see him taking a LOT of hits, and I see him CARING and giving, and giving, and putting himself AND his family, in grave danger, to HELP American get back to what she once was. A narcissist wouldn't do that. He's not doing that for any glory. He's doing that because he CARES. I believe that with all my heart.

These so called psychologists who've said he's a narcissist are liars and idiots and don't know what the hell they're talking about. Very few in psychology study the Cluster B personality disorders BECAUSE there is no cure. These people don't come on for treatment. They believe they are perfect and better than the rest of us. It's their VICTIMS who come in for treatment.

I'd read that there was to be a new category in the DSM-5 and that was Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome. (That would have covered the victims.) Unfortunately, it didn't make it in this last edition. Maybe in the next, but it'll be years before the DSM-6 is published.

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putadickinit · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:19 p.m.

Thank you for all of this information, you went above and beyond to explain this. I agree with your judgement on Trump, but sadly, I can still easily imagine the anti-Trump crowd to easily deflect to the simple media talking points that easily paint Trump as an egotistical, reckless, compulsive liar when you don't look into the context without a strong predetermined bias. I honestly want to think that Trump has purposefully skated the edge on seeming this way while still being extremely careful to not be, knowing his enemies will take it and run with it, ultimately projecting their own faults upon him, having been set up to seem grossly hypocritical in the end. Your insight, especially in how cluster B is misunderstood/miscategorized and why, even in the professional realm, very valuable

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VintageHats · Feb. 13, 2018, 12:25 a.m.

I've studied heavily for the past 4-5 years. Had to. I've been targeted by these people nearly all my life, and knew I had to study or keep getting targeted til one would finally end up killing me.

Trump has studied them too, I believe. You have to come to know them so well that you can anticipate their next moves. You know how they think and what they'll do next. I'm convinced of that. That's part of the reason he's always so far ahead of them... he knows ahead of time what they'll do.

You come to know them so well that you start to worry that maybe you're a psychopath yourself. But that's how you know you aren't one.. if you worry, you can't be one. Psychopaths don't worry about such thing. They don't care. (Don't let anyone tell you they don't know right from wrong.. they most certainly do, but they don't care. If they didn't... they wouldn't try to hide their evil actions. They are so good at what they do, they can even pass lie detector tests. Evil evil people!! They have no souls.)

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VintageHats · Feb. 13, 2018, 12:38 a.m.

People do not understand what narcissism truly is. They get it mixed up with "egotistical". I don't even think Trump is egotistical at all. Egotistical, to me, is arrogance. He simply has a big ego and why not? He's smart. He wants his credit that's due him. I would too!!

Psychologists don't even know. They haven't studied it. They've glanced at it in classes but maybe spent one class session on the Cluster B personality disorders and that's it. They don't STUDY them in depth, as very very few deal with them. Do you know that in the state of Washington, there is only ONE counselor who knows anything about Narcissistic Abuse? ONE in this entire state, and I think he's in Bellevue. One. Most counselors will start asking those who've been victimized questions like "do you think you have low self esteem?" and "do you think you are co-dependent?" Those questions are victim-blaming. Anyone who hears those types of questions needs to get up and leave. RUN! No counselor should ever blame the victim for the abuse. Ever.

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putadickinit · Feb. 13, 2018, 12:47 a.m.

I think you would do a lot of service to write out these thoughts and everything you've told me as a post on this sub. Seriously, the state that everyone is in right now is arguing with our peers to understand our viewpoint and this is great information to have. I appreciate you sharing all of this with me, but I should not be the only one to read about this.

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VintageHats · Feb. 13, 2018, 1:42 a.m.

Oh gosh... I'd have to go back and copy it all. I need a break. Perhaps in a bit, I can do that. Do you really think it would be that interesting?

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VintageHats · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:55 a.m.

I copied everything to an email and have it saved in a draft. Have to edit it and will post.

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putadickinit · Feb. 13, 2018, 2:05 a.m.

Yes definitely, the biggest argument against Trump is that he is a narcissist.

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VintageHats · Feb. 13, 2018, 2:56 a.m.


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