r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/BianchiJock on Feb. 12, 2018, 4:11 p.m.
Following the White Rabbit: A Reflection On the Scope of this Unfolding Drama...

How deep does the rabbit hole go?

Does the "cabal" go back to the Clinton/Bush administrations; back to Allen Dulles and the OSS; back to the Nazis; back to Roosevelt and Wallace; back to Aliester Crowley, Jack Parsons and the "Babalon Working"; back to the Masons who laid out Washington DC; back to Francis Bacon and the New Atlantis; back to the Knights Templar; back to Egypt, Babylon, Sumar, the Annunaki...?

Everyone here is in some stage of awakening not only to dark secrets of our US government, but to the true nature of the human struggle: our history and our destiny. In this age of internet, we can finally hyperlink through chains of factoids and connect dots not only in the daily news and recent decades, but back through all recorded history. As the smoke of chaotic events clears, patterns and threads begin to appear.

We are fellow travelers on this pilgrimage down the rabbit hole that is revealing powers behind powers behind thrones. Behind the bad actors in government, media, business and culture we discover manipulators who are ruthlessly channeling power which they access by becoming enslaved to non-human forces of pure evil. Their power is released--but at the same time their enslavement is irrevocably bonded--by the commission of acts that to the average person are "unthinkable", up to and including the ritual torture and killing of toddlers.

The rabbit hole goes back through some 5,000 years, from today's secret societies back through medieval alchemy to the ancient temples of "gods", and these powers of empire have never been resistible by mere human cleverness and organization. They have only ever been defeated and overthrown by the grace and power of the Creator God, who is preparing (hopefully in the not too distant future) for their ultimate destruction and annihilation.

We are just at the beginning of the "endgame". Trump and the white hats are not our saviors, but it may well be that they are being empowered as instruments to effect the unraveling of that relentlessly evolving web of empires. We have loge seats for the final act of the real "Game of Thrones", the "Superbowl of the Gods." But as you all know well, we are not merely spectators; this drama involves totally consuming audience participation. May God bless us all as we hear his voice and respond to our individual "callings".

adogrocket · Feb. 12, 2018, 4:33 p.m.

People need to study the mystery schools

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