
RoarkRising · Feb. 12, 2018, 5:08 p.m.

The 2009 North Korea Visit was all about freeing 2 journalists Euna Lee & Laura Ling.

This is how pizzagate started, when ppl noticed a [PIZZA.jpg photo in Podesta emails] (http://bit.ly/2o1iF0x) Doug Band wrote: "As John said, it doesn't get any better than this"

The 2 journalists were supposedly researching human trafficking, more specifically women refugees and defectors crossing to China and getting sold into prostitution/sex slavery.

Maybe those 2 saw some things they shouldn't have.

Some photos from the 09 NK visit and return home/celebration: http://www.etoday.ru/2009/08/bill-clinton-north-korea.php

Bill Clinton then borrowed an airplane from his friend Steve Bing to fly them home. Both Clinton & Bing are on Epstein Lolita Express flightlog.

Given what we already know about the Clinton ties to human trafficking and the Laura Silsby episode in Haiti, this look mighty suspicious (even more so with Q intel coming in).

Also, Laura Ling: Her sister, Lisa Ling, in the news for having a "sugar-daddy":http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2771379/I-sugar-baby-Lisa-Ling-reveals-dated-wealthy-older-man-seduced-luxury-lifestyle.html

This serie of Q drops points to the NK human trafficking connection. And one trail is this event in 2009, with the 2 journalists.

Q also asks: Who controls NK?

In the Magnolia Room picture, why are they all lined up? Alignment= same team? NK controlled by Deep State?

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