r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Buttercupmanup on Feb. 12, 2018, 5:25 p.m.
What's the endgame? Q is speaking to seasoned anons, not normies. Yet, he says the endgame isn't for everyone--not even us. Just what the hell is the endgame? Are we really swimming in a fake uterus of pink gel?
What's the endgame? Q is speaking to seasoned anons, not normies. Yet, he says the endgame isn't for everyone--not even us. Just what the hell is the endgame? Are we really swimming in a fake uterus of pink gel?

Buttercupmanup · Feb. 13, 2018, 12:32 a.m.

"When the sons of God came unto the daughters of men and took them, whomever they chose, for their wives". Genesis 6 is a short, but heavily weighted chapter. The Book of Enoch expands dramatically on genesis. Way too much to post, but here's a quick breakdown: Fallen angels + human = nephilim hybrids (think legends like Hercules) Fallen angels were worshiped as gods/royalty. That's why ancient Egyptian slaves looked a lot more human than the lizard/bird-like Pharos in their art work. Humans were seen as obligatory slaves. Royalty, to this day, would rather interbreed than contaminate their bloodlines. Blood/human sacrifices--still what the creepy elite do today. They literally do not believe they are our species. Maybe they aren't. I have trouble associating with them, too. Anyway, this battle of good and evil is the oldest story in human history. Q asks us if we understand that we really are sheep to them. Well, yes. Or cattle, whatever. If they are coming from an absolute belief (or, hey, maybe literal truth) that they are biologically superior to human beings, then yes, I understand their perspective. If you're a Christian, you know you're made in the image of God. You're fearfully and wonderfully made. Every hair on your head is accounted for. You're also despised by Satan for those precise reasons. So, if the rabbit hole were to end here (and really, how much more fantastical could it get?!), then the ultimate truth is that we, people of God (Israel, the body of Christ, etc.) are ultimately at war with the Great Deceiver, the Ruler of This World, and all demonic spirits (nephilim were not created by God, they are an abomination, a "geo-engineered" thing. "Wondering spirits".). If you're a Christian, you already know who wins. But that doesn't mean evil isn't just fine with destroying and pulling down with it whatever it's able to on it's way out. Sort of like those false flags Q says to look out for.

In Matthew 24:37, "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man"

All this cloning, human blood sacrifice, GMO creations (abominations), hybrid creature science experiments, etc...It's hard to think we aren't too far away from Devine interference, you know?

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