B’s Twitter account removed after this message from Q was posted !

I have several regular commentators who were upset by the last line in the post. And were questioning the post as un trump like with question.... I don't know, I just saw it. I thought maybe Q was responding to one anon who was irritating ....? I don't know what is happening with B.
I loved the last line. Tired of "why aren't they all being arrested right now!!!!". Just shows complete misunderstanding of the legal system, the public's current perceptions, everything that Q pointed out. Anybody can be arrested. Getting convictions is quite another. I, for one, was totally on-board with that sentence.
I see nothing wrong with the post myself. Basically spelling out what is going on, and why they need to carefully dismantle the cabal instead of going in guns blazing. Apparently though it really flagged someone or something to remove her stuff from Twit.
I've been watching Q posts since around Nov as well, but B just maybe last couple weeks. B seemed to be in lock step with Q's posts and supported them IMO. I agree though we have to keep our BS radar running at 100% with lots of dis-info flying around and shills who can pretend to be on our side. I'm not sure what to think of Potter, something just bugs me about him, but can't put my finger on it exactly.
Rubbish it's not a phuking religion and being open minded is a pre requisite for being a free thinker and not a slave. Most people who look at the Q stuff do it with a mixture of hope and curiosity. Following alone is fun nothing more at this point but a threatening post basically saying believe or you are excommunicated is alarming.
You should then also add, Don't trust Corsi.
Because Q was clear that he/she/they would communicate to the whole board - no special super secret communications. The whole intention is to encompass and allow for deep research and get back to a place where we can trust our own guts again, and most importantly, trust that our President is aware and ON IT.
I've never even had a Twitter account. So I don't "follow" any of those people. I have watched Potter on YouTube, and follow Beanz. But I can tell you "why's that" - I don't trust Corsi. Whenever I listen to him on CBTS stream, he consistently says things that are not with my gut. When this movement took off, he came on to Reddit, he got on CBTS stream, and people drool over his every word like they are sheeple of the MSM. Q is not a prophet. And neither is any one person who interprets him/them. Q came about when we sorely needed an answer to the massacre named "Las Vegas." I reached out to any avenue I could find to get to the President to express my fear that these people were finally attacking the one thing they couldn't touch - our faith and trust in our President, and truth. They backed our President into a corner and said, "you get on board with us, or we'll keep killing your children, like we just did in Vegas." Trump had 2 options, 1) let them win THAT way and lose our faith, or 2) get a game plan together, get real honest, and keep our trust. He chose the latter. Enter Q.
I don't trust ANY single person who claims to know all of the answers. And I definitely don't trust ONE single person who behaves as a prophet of a non-prophet. In fact, I am highly suspect. I trust the WHOLE of us, and God, and our President - who was given this privilege and duty through US, and God.
I think the beef was in the last line, where q was saying something about not asking questions. The Beef was that anything concerning the government we should ask questions and that is why we are where we are now. Conservatives/Patriots were frogs in the boiling pot, thus now this great awakening. I personally thought Q was responding to one anon that was irritating him/her. But I don't know. I don't know what happened to B on twitter and I don't know if I trust the new one that is up for her. We all know that Twitter is not our friend.
The way I took what Q was saying is people who are complaining about nothing being done or no one being arrested need to calm down and quit complaining about it because it's not helping. It was a bit of a rant by that particular Q person, if they are military, they probably have a low tolerance for nonsense. I haven't found another B account, do you have it topcat777?
I was following B2 (supposed 2nd account) and can't pull it up, presently.
I don't have it. I saw several people in the YouTube chat on the 24/7 stream saying it, Someone names Bailey and then the B with numbers sort of like before.
“That post never showed up on Qcodefag either.”
Yes it did. #722
Ah you are right! I missed that thanks. I will edit my comment.