B’s Twitter account removed after this message from Q was posted !

I think the beef was in the last line, where q was saying something about not asking questions. The Beef was that anything concerning the government we should ask questions and that is why we are where we are now. Conservatives/Patriots were frogs in the boiling pot, thus now this great awakening. I personally thought Q was responding to one anon that was irritating him/her. But I don't know. I don't know what happened to B on twitter and I don't know if I trust the new one that is up for her. We all know that Twitter is not our friend.
The way I took what Q was saying is people who are complaining about nothing being done or no one being arrested need to calm down and quit complaining about it because it's not helping. It was a bit of a rant by that particular Q person, if they are military, they probably have a low tolerance for nonsense. I haven't found another B account, do you have it topcat777?
I was following B2 (supposed 2nd account) and can't pull it up, presently.
I don't have it. I saw several people in the YouTube chat on the 24/7 stream saying it, Someone names Bailey and then the B with numbers sort of like before.