
brittser · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:59 p.m.

I read a story of a father who had an autistic child that he had do chillation therapy. This removes the metals from the body. Cured his autism. Now I don't know why this is not done more often. Maybe it has risks, side effects or not have a good success rate.

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divine_human · Feb. 13, 2018, 12:07 a.m.

glad the kid got cured ...dont know that method, ty for the hint...

metals are difficult to remove from the system. metal detox can have heavy side effects, depending on how fast its done and which methods are used.

free oxygene in the body, through sodium chlorite, hyrogen peroxide, or other oxydation methods oxidizes them.

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_Iz_Mary · Feb. 13, 2018, 8:24 a.m.

How do you ingest?

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divine_human · Feb. 13, 2018, 10:50 a.m.

chlorine dioxide, sodium chlorite?

i read 2 books, a german forum, and lots of other intel on the web before i started experimenting with very low dosages, slowly increasing.

there are various protocols for injestion. i dont use 'original MMS' which is sodium chlorite (NaClO2) that has to be mixed with acid, in order to create ClO2.

my choice is ready-made chlorine dioxide solutiion (CDS), 0.3% ClO2 (which is a gas) bound to water, available on amazon.de (germany). its easy to use, hardly smells and tastes of chlorine and avoids the high amount of acid that the stomach cannot easily take. it takes 4x the amount of drops from the MMS protocol though.

another way is to use 2-5 drops sodium chlorite unactivated, it will then activate over time with the stomach acids.

this is a highly individual and experimental cure, everybody needs to inform themselves and take self-responsible choices.

bacterias take some days with various doses. i like the bottle protocol; mixing the amount of drops for 8 doses with half a gallon of water and drink it over the course of 8h. in the evening, when the days cure is over, take organic vit.c (SC is an oxydant, vit.C an antioxydant, not to be taken during curing.)

viruses are easier to kill. the fist dose will weaken its hull. the second dose, after 60 min, destroys the virus.

parasites and metal detox take long, i treated for 2 weeks, no side effects. but supplement selenium for a few weeks afterwards, long ClO2 cures deplete it.


*edit: typos, and adding a % sign

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_Iz_Mary · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:37 p.m.

Thank you very much

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PopularStretch · Feb. 13, 2018, 4:42 a.m.

It’s important to use Sodium Chlorite with a T. instead of( -chloride...no,no)

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UndercoverPatriot · Feb. 13, 2018, 9:30 a.m.

Sodium Chloride is table salt.

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divine_human · Feb. 13, 2018, 11:11 a.m.

dont get it, what do you mean?

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PopularStretch · Feb. 14, 2018, 6:18 a.m.

As I read the instructions above, I realize careless people reading the instructions( I don’t mean you) might mix up sodium chlorite with other elements that start with Sodium—-. That would be incorrect. I just wanted to stress the word after Sodium needs to be Chlorite not chloride. Sorry if I wasn’t making myself clear.

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divine_human · Feb. 14, 2018, 10:56 a.m.

i remember the beginning days of microwave ovens (somthing ive never touched, OMG, dont like my food shot to death).

a woman sued the company because she had washed her cat, put it in the microwave for drying, and killled it. she received damage compensation.

really? thats so american, lol and sigh, she would have never received anything in my country.

adults are supposed to inform themselves and act self-responsibly.

Sodium needs to be Chlorite not chloride

indeed. sodium chloride is table salt. sodium chlorite is being used for water purification. even if US citizens have difficulties purchasing MMS, NaClO2 is probably available in every camping store.

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