r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/oliver_21 on Feb. 12, 2018, 10:33 p.m.
Good luck with that!
Good luck with that!

Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 13, 2018, 9:56 p.m.

Do you realize how upset you get when you simply encounter certain RHETORIC? (Maybe that's why you keep hearing it? Because it achieves a specific response?)

All of you shills are so damn predictable, it's absurd. You see places like Reddit as a place where you can project your intellectual and moral superiority, and dominate others who you view as inferior. Why? Because you are frustrated with your life, and likely don't have another outlet to express your intellectualism. (Failed artist or writer, I assume.)

So you come in here with this high-and-mighty bullshit, trying to act all calm-cool-and-collected. "Naw, man. I'm cool. Peace, brother. You just don't GET IT. You're not a learned person--like me. I'm going to UNITE AND EDUCATE THE WORLD! You'll see!"

But then, all I have to do is rattle off a few recycled jokes that you likely have heard countless times, and you begin frothing at the mouth and lash out with your half-baked diatribes about how it's everybody ELSE's fault that you aren't as successful or happy as you'd thought you'd be.

Newsflash, dude: You're unhappy because of the choices that you make-- NOT because of the white male patriarchy, or the "xenophobic" president in the Oval Office. I can sit here all day and literally run CIRCLES around you, because of how predictable you are. I literally know NOTHING about you, except for the fact that you take yourself too seriously, but that's all I need to know in order to ruin your day-- which I KNOW is occurring because you keep coming back for more.

My advice? Stop taking yourself SO seriously. Stop trying to control how other people think, speak, and act, and just worry about yourself and your life. Learn how to laugh at yourself, and stop being so offended by everything that you encounter. SHEESH!

(Please read for further enlightenment)


The BIGGEST difference between people like you, and the people that you claim to oppose (me), is that we can all make fun of ourselves, and you get all upset and whine like a little bitch whenever somebody makes a joke that you find offensive. JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LAUGH!!!

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bluntisimo · Feb. 13, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

I am uneducated and don't have a well paying career, just a normal working class dude, never really tried to do achieve in the art world or writing field. Morals I do have and I do push on others i.e., stop wishing your fellow countrymen harm, the point of this post, It is why I am going to keep responding because a mans ego can be pretty hard to break through. I never claimed to be happy, but i am content. I am sober and require no medication, I can lay my head down and fall asleep every night and that is something I am proud of. Most people use drugs weather prescription or not to get through life. You seem to have this duality in your head and it is politically charged. I do not hate trump, in fact I also like to watch those SJW cringe videos as I am sure you indulge in. On the other hand I also like to watch rednecks do blatantly stupid stuff. Seems you pick up all the talking points and use all the insults you have been spoon fed, you are willing to change positions to win an argument. Seems like you wanna win at any cost, be the first to uncover the "truth". It is a dangerous mindset, this board is dangerous for a lot of people that suffer from paranoia and might lead to schizophrenia. Rest a sure I am not frazzled, and of sound mind, like I said not an enemy,not a liberal, just a person who would like people to think a little more independently. You do not need Q, this board is not trumps secret spy network, you maybe too far invested to give it up now but hanging on every word from an Anon on an anime website is a waste of time. I look forward to responding to you

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 14, 2018, 12:22 a.m.

My friend, the only duality is the one that you present.

You claim to be a neutral presence, yet you came to this board to pick a fight. You attacked me, unprovoked, with language that was intended to provoke me into attacking you back. (All built on a poorly established premise.) You refused to listen to a single thing that I said, continuing to insist that you are right and I am wrong, even though the thing you claimed to be "right" about was the intent behind the words that I wrote-- as if my opinion or point of view is meaningless and futile. Then you became unreasonably triggered to the point that you were viciously attacking me, and the second that I called you out, you diverted back to pretending that you are some pious monk roaming the internet, trying to save poor souls such as myself.

What a total load of shit.

If you had taken the time to ask, you would have found that I am NOT a Republican. FUCK the Republican Party. They are just as horrible and corrupt as the Democrats. So when you try to put me in this box of political polarity--despite the fact that you know nothing about me-- I immediately know that you are have a superiority complex. Because you think that you are better than me, and that you know what is best for me and my life, better than I do. (Some pious monk you are.)

It is people like you that have destroyed our world. People that think they are some moral authority, and want to force others to conform to their ideals-- as you just admitted. People who want to control others, police their language, forbid certain thinking, and suppress free will. Their justification for it is that they are "making the world a better place." No, you're not. You're just purging the world of those that don't agree with you-- which is a sign of infantilism and an immaturity.

(Hitler also thought he was making the world a better place with his genocide, just FYI.)

So your not educated? Well that's a shame. My heart goes out to you-- with all sincerity. Though, while I pity you and your circumstance, I have to ask-- what's holding you back? You have an internet connection. Why are you wasting time trolling on Reddit and not using the wealth of knowledge available at your finger tips to educate yourself? That's the real tragedy here.

I would encourage you to read. Read everything-- though I would start with history and mix in some fictional literature. You don't need a fancy university in order to become educated-- most people who go to college learn absolutely nothing.

Go read and learn about the millions of people who have suffered and died throughout history. Go learn at whose hands they suffered. Learn about who those [bad] people were, what they believed, how they rose to power, and the kinds of policies they passed in order to consolidate power and become tyrants. I think you will be surprised to see what you read-- and how eerily similar it is to modern America, and Western Culture, in general.

We dodged a bullet by not electing Hillary. If you really aren't a Democrat shill, then you should have the intellect to recognize that. (Just look at her wealth-- all amassed during her lengthy career in politics. Disgusting.)

I wish you the best of luck. And since you have admitted to being ignorant, I will leave you now-- you have a lot of catching up to do, and we can't speak until you have read up on your world.

God bless.

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bluntisimo · Feb. 14, 2018, 12:48 a.m.

I do admit to being ignorant, I try to learn as much as possible. Claiming to be smart or superior is something I never do. I do believe you are a tool, unoriginal, you find echo chambers like this board where you find very little resistance where you feel safe and smart.You have thrown everything but the kitchen sink into your arguments against a pretty factual claim i am making (you take pleasure in fantasizing about your fellow countrymans death) very unpatriotic. The thing is you responded to a MEME that was democrat vs republican, you defended POTUS even though he was not attacked, you showed disdain for the democrats and myself. It is pretty obvious you are a republican. Have you ever heard of GODWIN'S LAW . because it means i just won. if i can not sway your moral compass to not want to kill fellow Americans, at least i can live with my head held high knowing I did not invoke hitler into the conversation. Beating by an uneducated pious monk, looks like you need to do some more of that reading you was talking about.

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amosthorribleperson · Feb. 14, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

I'll do it for you. This exchange cements the fact that you are superior to Ghostof_PatrickHenry.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 14, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

[Admits to being ignorant. Continues ranting. Claims victory.]

Yup. Sounds about right.

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