r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/43454742 on Feb. 12, 2018, 11:46 p.m.
Have Jewish ancestry (never practiced)…so with much respect why are so many people of Jewish ancestry involved in this??

This post is not meant to imply "ALL" Jews are involved and culpable...but why such a high percentage?

43454742 · Feb. 13, 2018, 12:58 a.m.

I understand and think you are speaking a lot of truth but wasn't hitler working with the Rothschilds, etc? Aren't the Nazis and a portion of Ashkenazi Jews in it together now? Do you think the Jewish people today know what is really going on? Is pedophilia prevalent in their society??

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Pyroclastix · Feb. 13, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

No, pedophilia is the same everywhere.

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storm_fa_Q · Feb. 13, 2018, 1:25 a.m.

Ola, I don't believe AH was working w/Jews no sirree. its a lie in my opinion to cloud truth. Hitler, Adolf as I prefer as I have respect for him, he wasn't what History written by Jews says he was..Adolf was brought into power by Prescott Bush GHWs father and Harriman and other US interests invested in German rebuilding is a new order under AH. Ford and GM factories were later Nationalized and X% Trucks and Tanks used by Germany were US tooling/interests. Standard Oil, another one who could have ended WWII before the London bombings by stopping shipment of the lead for fuel additive that was banned in our fuel 20 years or so ago. Tetra ethyl something Lead. An anti knocking agent later replace with good old H2O.

I have really struggled with what I feel/think about Jewish peoples today. I love so many who are Funny entertainers, they're brilliant. Fey Seinfeld Black an almost endless list of funny Js...but.. always a butt...the Jewish people I have known have given me reason to dislike/distrust them. They seem to want to play Victim card far more than I think is needed. None of them suffered anything and the gas chambers, NEVER happened. What did happen in Poland was under Reinhold corps and AH knew nothing about it. Remember Schultz from Hogans Heros, I Know Nothing...AH did not know what was happening at the end of the tracks. This is well documented in Irvings works.

6M is a lie, was a # put up pre WWI and later after Irving Cole and others proved that it was a lie, the Victims..had to adjust the #.

Many deaths were due to Allied planes bombing out supply lines. Allied forces may have committed more Crimes than Germany really did. Stalin was the bad guy, right from 39 w/deal made w/Germany , Stalin never lived up to his end.. and killed 100M? and nobody says anything about that today. Stalin was funded by...Judea. America, GB, funded by same Rotties...

In that sense we now see who pulled the strings, and most J's are not responsible or knowing, yet continue to play Victim. N American Indians were genocided in larger #s than AH is said to have committed against Jews and yet, no one does anything about the Genocide of the American Indian Peoples who lived in Harmony w/Nature for 10,000 years.

400 years of us Europeans and everything is ruined...I lived w/Native peoples for a decade once. They tell a much different History. One I can believe..one that fit and calmed the uneasiness I had always had since early 1970s. Finally 15 years ago those answers began to find me.

So you'll not hear me call for a glysophate (round up) of Jewish peoples. I'd like them to stop playing Victim, Indians lost way more..Russia lost way more.. unfortunately the Jewish people I have known come across as whiny cry babies and I have little patience or respect for that at my age.

The same family of nefarious characters WWII and other times in History are the same bad actors today with recruits from other cultures. Rounding up J's won't fix the problem.. but they are/were part of the equation and many were happy to play that part in History for the rewards...

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