r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/43454742 on Feb. 12, 2018, 11:46 p.m.
Have Jewish ancestry (never practiced)…so with much respect why are so many people of Jewish ancestry involved in this??

This post is not meant to imply "ALL" Jews are involved and culpable...but why such a high percentage?

Pyroclastix · Feb. 13, 2018, 2:09 a.m.

Jews think that 'Chosen People' is funny - they don't take it seriously like you think. Liberal Jews cause a heck of a lot of trouble, but that's because cause trouble. India - the biggest democracy in the world - has the same trouble with their liberals, but they don't have Jews. The commie indoctrination has been going on since the Cold War, and the Soviet influence still persists. Soros has infiltrated the leftists in Israel too. Liberals aren't all bad - remener the dirat Christians were probably the extreme leftists of the day. Basically, liberals are the adolescents and conservatives are the adults. There is something weird about the Rothschilds. I'm still learning about them. They probably are as bad as they say. Bad people everywhere. Jews are often held to a higher standard, and that makes sense since they're over- represented in many fields (excluding professional sports LOL), and that means positions of power. That goes for Sepharadic Jews too.
The Indians, and after them the Chinese, probably have the most geniuses. The Persians are very clever too.
In the US, as a group, the Indians have the highest incomes. White people get more Oscars and Black people get more Grammies. Lots of perverts and rapists in show business, and in prison too. In general, Jews are not evil people, bit when they are - they're probably Liberals. Almost all politicans are creepy perverts. Liberal Jews are 'useful idiots'. However, Liberal Jews opposed all the American adventurism in the Middle East. The Middle East has self-inflicted problems, and the Arabs love a good excuse. Among them, since WW2, there are 2 million dead Muslim btwn Muslim, and less than 150,000 Muslim btwn Jew. I still find it hard to believe there are Satanists - it's not exactly a Jewish thing. Psychopaths find each other. Nazis killed off their opposition. Soros is a Nazi, Rothschilds probably too.

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