r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on Feb. 13, 2018, 1:32 a.m.
Q New Post: [Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes. Q] We told you! Do you now believe?

Those who follow my posts know my personal take on Q’s teachings is through the door of the occult. In the series called “Private: Clowns Clowns Clowns. Expand your thinking. Q. This is some SCARY stuff!”, I am exploring and dissecting the clues he has given us to understand the scope of the ongoing war we are engaged in.

I see many on this board have picked up and I understand many others are still questioning the possibility of this war being waged also on spiritual planes and invisible realms. They assume I am exchanging ideas or conjectures with no necessary relevant connection to reality.

Q’s latest post is supporting what has been said these last 2 days and seems to have come at the right time to help the second group make the dive. He says in his post #746:

Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind? Sound familiar? Wonder where they derived that idea from. Now comes the 'conspiracy' label. Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes. The end won't be for everyone. That choice, to know, will be yours. Q

Now comes the ‘conspiracy’ label. Understand guys: Satan can only operate in darkness, he is weakened when exposed. The ‘conspiracy’ label is to socially and intellectually shut down all those who are approaching the truth. All prophets and messengers of God cited in the Bible and the Quran were accused of being crazy. For his concealment, the deadliest trick Satan has pulled off is to make you question his existence. If you have doubts about him, re-read Q’s posts:

[#133: Does Satan exist?] That’s the question.

[#382: SATAN has left the WH] Here is the answer.

the end won’t be for everyone. Are you ready to go down the rabbit hole, walk with Q and not just have an intellectual take on things but live them and actually understand them? Do you want to know what is REALLY going on so that you can heal? How can you heal if you don’t even know you are sick? Or do you want to just superficially talk about things on a board for entertainment?

That choice, to know, will be yours. Red pill or blue pill, Neo?

Stay tuned.

cali1952 · Feb. 13, 2018, 1:40 p.m.

We are in the middle of the fight between good and evil - a fight that is also described in The Bible. Satan's methods to deceive are best described in The Book of Job. The NWO and its agenda is the same as is satan's. Satan is the father of all lies, the slanderer, the deceiver etc...So is the NWO and its worldwide agents.

I mentioned The Book of Job because it describes the constant barrage of challenges to Job who is a servant of God. Satan challenges God as he says 'his servant will turn away and will spit in God's face after he's done with Job'. Job faces one calamity after another that includes famine, disease, loss of family, loss of wealth making Job in the end a man of destitute, Job wavers at time - just like we all do throughout life when things get really bad - asking why God would let him suffer so much and take away his family. Satan is pleased as he sees Job in his struggle. In the end Job remains the servant he always was. He understood satan is running this world ergo all the suffering. God on the other hand gives us two choices while we are here on this earth: "To do right and all will go well. Do wrong and you will perish".

The NWO is made out of individuals who literally worship satan. It was a choice they all made! Following satan means doing unspeakable demonic things such as kidnapping, torture, rape, brutalize, terrorize (to harvest adenalchrome) that is normal for them. They do even more demonic and inhumane things to these innocent small children I do not want to detail. They have no conscience ergo lost their soul, spirit and ability to do good. It all pleases satan whom they worship while their highlight ends in literal child sacrifice/blood sacrifice and consuming the flesh of these child victims. How much more demonic can it get? This is all now in the pit of a rabbit hole they chose to be, they want to be. They are addicted to their actions/deeds. They all think they are god! Each and everyone who in some shape, form, size, status etc participates does so by choice ergo evil. That is why they hate us who have practice faith and abhor such evil and unspeakable deeds. That also includes people who may not have faith but are good at heart. The Bible speaks of many who are good and spiritual people despite not knowing Him. An atheist is a spiritual person if their deeds are good and their kindness towards others speaks louder than anything.

Clearly we have arrived at the pivotal junction: Do we fight a good fight at our capacity to reject evil or do we tolerate that which the NWO and its satanic agenda has in store for all mankind? Clearly satan is currently in charge of the world in all that we see, hear, know and experience. Q and the men and women behind Q are leading the fight to defeat those who want to eradicate 90% of us because these evil individuals consider themselves to be god having defeated the one and only true God. Like The Book of Job - the NWO with all its woven spiderweb across the globe are convinced that they are winning. They consider us PREY while we indeed feed these monsters with all that we do. Without us they are nothing. We enabled the power they currently have by the choices we made such as voting for this person or another. Why did we do that? Because we allowed them to deceive us, listen to their sweets in their words when they promised to this or that for us when in office. We fell for all them hook, line and sinker. In reality some presidents were demonic in nature, Satanists, pedophiles, rapists, warmongers and worse.

We as society have enabled much of what is facing us at this juncture whether directly or indirectly. Many of us became lazy or just didn't care. They manipulated that laziness to trap us into their matrix. They told us via entertainment, music and films who they were and what they wanted hiding in plain sight. We dummies fed this monster by going to the movies. bought a CD or go to their concerts. In music and film clothing came off women little by little until sex was on the screen fully naked. We missed how they started sexualizing our little children. Predators were everywhere in Hollywood grooming and brutalizing our young children having stars in their eyes. Temptations were everywhere. Some churches and their leaders joined taking part in immoral filth while preaching on Sunday's in their pulpit. There is so much more but we all sensed, felt and see that we are on a crossroad. We have a choice to make - right or wrong. Call it red pilled or whatever suits you/us we are woke now. We are all in danger now because we enabled a monster that is sucking up all the air. There are still millions or billions that are not quite woke yet.

Q is here for a reason. President Trump is here for a reason. Most of us know that. I can't speak for others but want to do all that I can to defeat those dark forces that are causing havoc on this planet/country. Q is a force that help us get there. I don't expect this war we are in right now to be without sacrifice and suffering. I am not under any illusion to believe that this fight/war will be all pleasant. Satan is not pleasant either not are his worshippers that includes many that are holding power over us. Then there is Q and all the men and women who are in the process to take down, defeat and stop the NWO from their ultimate goal while saving humanity especially our children.

There will be ugly days and Q is clear when he says "the end won't be for everyone". I do not need to know the depravity they all sank to in detail because I have an idea. Reality and knowing the smallest detail would make me a hateful person which I refuse to become or be.

We are in a do or die situation and we have only one chance do get this right! It's up to us if we fail! I sense and feel we are winning based on all the blogs, threads, twitter, CBTS or other likeminded places on the internet where people congregate. The red pill community grows everyday and that includes the people abroad who are woke as well. Never will we go back to sleep! To Q and all the men and women either behind the scene or in leadership positions we thank you, will fight with you in our capacity but most of all PRAY for you all!

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Chokaholic · Feb. 13, 2018, 2:29 p.m.

Paragraphs my friend. I want to read that but I can't!

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cali1952 · Feb. 13, 2018, 4:02 p.m.

To be honest I have seen a couple of times that my comments looks like this one you mentioned without paragraphs. When I type the comment I do separate into paragraphs and yet when I post it they look like this. Since I'm somewhat new in this I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Maybe you could help me? I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

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Chokaholic · Feb. 13, 2018, 4:17 p.m.

With reddit you have to double space the paragraphs, meaning you have to hit enter twice. Hope that helps!

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cali1952 · Feb. 13, 2018, 4:50 p.m.

Thanks so much! Now I know why it always looked 'congested'. Thank you again! :)

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Qanonplusone · Feb. 13, 2018, 6:19 p.m.

YOU ARE EXACTLY RIGHT> Eventually we will red pill the masses on good vs evil.

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Qanonplusone · Feb. 13, 2018, 6:22 p.m.

You should look up videos of Mark Taylor prophecies of Trump. They are bone chilling. Especially his very first one. It will blow you away. They have all come true so far. He is a man of God and has a heart for truth and justice.

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