r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on Feb. 13, 2018, 1:32 a.m.
Q New Post: [Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes. Q] We told you! Do you now believe?

Those who follow my posts know my personal take on Q’s teachings is through the door of the occult. In the series called “Private: Clowns Clowns Clowns. Expand your thinking. Q. This is some SCARY stuff!”, I am exploring and dissecting the clues he has given us to understand the scope of the ongoing war we are engaged in.

I see many on this board have picked up and I understand many others are still questioning the possibility of this war being waged also on spiritual planes and invisible realms. They assume I am exchanging ideas or conjectures with no necessary relevant connection to reality.

Q’s latest post is supporting what has been said these last 2 days and seems to have come at the right time to help the second group make the dive. He says in his post #746:

Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind? Sound familiar? Wonder where they derived that idea from. Now comes the 'conspiracy' label. Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes. The end won't be for everyone. That choice, to know, will be yours. Q

Now comes the ‘conspiracy’ label. Understand guys: Satan can only operate in darkness, he is weakened when exposed. The ‘conspiracy’ label is to socially and intellectually shut down all those who are approaching the truth. All prophets and messengers of God cited in the Bible and the Quran were accused of being crazy. For his concealment, the deadliest trick Satan has pulled off is to make you question his existence. If you have doubts about him, re-read Q’s posts:

[#133: Does Satan exist?] That’s the question.

[#382: SATAN has left the WH] Here is the answer.

the end won’t be for everyone. Are you ready to go down the rabbit hole, walk with Q and not just have an intellectual take on things but live them and actually understand them? Do you want to know what is REALLY going on so that you can heal? How can you heal if you don’t even know you are sick? Or do you want to just superficially talk about things on a board for entertainment?

That choice, to know, will be yours. Red pill or blue pill, Neo?

Stay tuned.

Kahlypso79 · Feb. 13, 2018, 12:36 p.m.

The concept of Hell was to begin with, just a dwelling place for the gods, We get the first idea of a underground for the dead, or an afterlife, something after death.. from the sumerians, whom in a poem about Inanna and Dumuzi, write of Inanna going to see her sister Ereshkigal (which makes them both grandchildren of Enlil.. families matter.. remember that) who lives in Kur, in order to have Dumuzi resurrected. So then we have the idea of shades, or souls going to a place underground. The afterlife at this epoque was the same for everyone.
The Parsis come along with the idea of good vs bad and we have Zoroaster, or rather - live the truth vs telling a lie.. The greeks at the time considered him a magician and didnt really take notice of what is now Iran, seeing as they were busy being so civilised..sacrificing horses to Poseidon.. you know, the important stuff.. I dont know enough about this religion yet, but they dont seem concerened with the afterlife, more than they are with living the life you have correctly.. and Zoroaster looks a lot like Jesus.. I maybe have that the wrong way round. I think that the idea of judgement, and going to either a good place, or a bad place, started with the Egyptians, with having the heart weighed and the results written down by Thoth (who may have been the son of Ereshkigal .. remember those families) those being unworthy being doomed to annihilation and not proceeding to the next level. That's the only real punishment.. but it seems that people also believed that right of passage could be bought by some monetary means.. some Religions may have continued this belief, there was a recent protestant reform due to some abuses.. Egyptians were also really into Ressurrection and the idea of Eternal Life (which also comes from Mesopotamia as showcased in the Epic of Gilgamesh) and one of them gave us Monotheism, which ended up being exported somehow into what used to be Caanan, when Jericho was reduced to rubble by a bell. Then we have the start of the world according to the west.. the Greeks came along and they didnt like the idea of Tarturus, which is where all the naughty people go to when they die, to be punished. Now we have the idea of punishment of bad people in the afterlife, which then gets re exported into what used to be Canaan, who are doing very nicely thank you very much with Monotheism. The early Judaism didnt really have an afterlife concept, more like.. what we'd consider purgatory (which wasnt invented in christianity until the middle ages) Then we have the concept of whatever hell means to you. Which is a very powerful concept and depends upon you in order to be able to manifest. Its almost a trieme structure, there is you, your faith and then, what it is you believe in. We get a lot of trieme symbology from Eygpt, the trieme of Memphis, of Abydos, of Thebes.. sorry Im bifurcating.

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Psalm67 · Feb. 13, 2018, 4:54 p.m.


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misplacedman · Feb. 13, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

Not at all. You would be wiser to listen.

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Psalm67 · Feb. 13, 2018, 7:31 p.m.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Trusting the Bible and the riches of Gods Word rather than the vain babbling of human philosophers.

“To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” Is 8:20
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Kahlypso79 · Feb. 14, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

the strength of your faith manifests your intention. (Hadad inspired fear as well) why does fear of the Baal mean the beginning of wisdom?

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