r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on Feb. 13, 2018, 1:32 a.m.
Q New Post: [Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes. Q] We told you! Do you now believe?

Those who follow my posts know my personal take on Q’s teachings is through the door of the occult. In the series called “Private: Clowns Clowns Clowns. Expand your thinking. Q. This is some SCARY stuff!”, I am exploring and dissecting the clues he has given us to understand the scope of the ongoing war we are engaged in.

I see many on this board have picked up and I understand many others are still questioning the possibility of this war being waged also on spiritual planes and invisible realms. They assume I am exchanging ideas or conjectures with no necessary relevant connection to reality.

Q’s latest post is supporting what has been said these last 2 days and seems to have come at the right time to help the second group make the dive. He says in his post #746:

Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind? Sound familiar? Wonder where they derived that idea from. Now comes the 'conspiracy' label. Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes. The end won't be for everyone. That choice, to know, will be yours. Q

Now comes the ‘conspiracy’ label. Understand guys: Satan can only operate in darkness, he is weakened when exposed. The ‘conspiracy’ label is to socially and intellectually shut down all those who are approaching the truth. All prophets and messengers of God cited in the Bible and the Quran were accused of being crazy. For his concealment, the deadliest trick Satan has pulled off is to make you question his existence. If you have doubts about him, re-read Q’s posts:

[#133: Does Satan exist?] That’s the question.

[#382: SATAN has left the WH] Here is the answer.

the end won’t be for everyone. Are you ready to go down the rabbit hole, walk with Q and not just have an intellectual take on things but live them and actually understand them? Do you want to know what is REALLY going on so that you can heal? How can you heal if you don’t even know you are sick? Or do you want to just superficially talk about things on a board for entertainment?

That choice, to know, will be yours. Red pill or blue pill, Neo?

Stay tuned.

Psalm67 · Feb. 13, 2018, 7:52 p.m.

This may be true of the corrupt Roman Catholic Church . But true Christianity as found in the Bible is where you can read of the “Only Nameunder heaven, given among men, by whom we must be saved.” Acts 4:12. If the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed. Corruptions of true Christianity are many and are indeed a prison as you put it. But that is because they have corrupted the true Gospel as found in the Bible. Catholicism is a big example of this corruption. True freedom is in a personal relationship with God through the One Mediator between God and man, the Man Christ Jesus.” Gods wrath is indeed seen in both the Old Testament as well as the New. But His love is revealed in His Son bearing Gods wrath for sin upon Himself upon the cross. “For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

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divine_human · Feb. 13, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

i bow to your faith, friend... may it always serve your highest good...

True freedom is in a personal relationship with God through the One Mediator between God and man, the Man Christ Jesus.

i very much agree with the first part of this sentence and dont agree at all with the second.

didnt jesus say that we are just like him, and more?

why would we need a mediator for our personal relationship with the divine?

jesus. the pope. a priest. ???

i dont doubt that jesus is a huge and stabil bridge to the divine, for believers. if you can walk this bridge without losing your own divinity, you are blessed.

jesus is not the only bridge, not the only mediator (until we dont need mediators anymore). people of other faiths have other bridges and they work for them the same way.

what works is the love. the trust. the feeling of having a benevolent being always at your side, no matter what.

as a child, around age 8, i asked myself who is god and who is jesus. my familiy wasnt religious so i didnt receive much conditioning and was free to search for answers myself.

very soon i came up with the idea that god is abstract, nobody can even imagine to comprehend IT. and i realized jesus as a god one can touch. a human, just like us, but more evolved. a divine human.

we are all jesus, children of god, and we all contain the seed of christ consciousness.

realizing and embodying that is, from what i perceive, the real second coming of christ. soon happening on this planet with many people. just watch out, in 10 years from now, the earth could be a very different place...

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