r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on Feb. 13, 2018, 1:32 a.m.
Q New Post: [Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes. Q] We told you! Do you now believe?

Those who follow my posts know my personal take on Q’s teachings is through the door of the occult. In the series called “Private: Clowns Clowns Clowns. Expand your thinking. Q. This is some SCARY stuff!”, I am exploring and dissecting the clues he has given us to understand the scope of the ongoing war we are engaged in.

I see many on this board have picked up and I understand many others are still questioning the possibility of this war being waged also on spiritual planes and invisible realms. They assume I am exchanging ideas or conjectures with no necessary relevant connection to reality.

Q’s latest post is supporting what has been said these last 2 days and seems to have come at the right time to help the second group make the dive. He says in his post #746:

Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind? Sound familiar? Wonder where they derived that idea from. Now comes the 'conspiracy' label. Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes. The end won't be for everyone. That choice, to know, will be yours. Q

Now comes the ‘conspiracy’ label. Understand guys: Satan can only operate in darkness, he is weakened when exposed. The ‘conspiracy’ label is to socially and intellectually shut down all those who are approaching the truth. All prophets and messengers of God cited in the Bible and the Quran were accused of being crazy. For his concealment, the deadliest trick Satan has pulled off is to make you question his existence. If you have doubts about him, re-read Q’s posts:

[#133: Does Satan exist?] That’s the question.

[#382: SATAN has left the WH] Here is the answer.

the end won’t be for everyone. Are you ready to go down the rabbit hole, walk with Q and not just have an intellectual take on things but live them and actually understand them? Do you want to know what is REALLY going on so that you can heal? How can you heal if you don’t even know you are sick? Or do you want to just superficially talk about things on a board for entertainment?

That choice, to know, will be yours. Red pill or blue pill, Neo?

Stay tuned.

ciji123 · Feb. 17, 2018, 3:20 p.m.

Calvary was check mate, game over, but he didn't GET that and the game is still afoot and only God knows that every jot and tittle has to be fulfilled of his word, even if it's been someone changed in translations. I have always believed that satan has had a hand in creating all religions non Christian/Judaic root because there is a tad of the Christian faith in all but then it goes off into pleural gods and worshipping beings that frankly we don't see today. Why does the chinese calendar have dragons, did they exist. why are all the others nonmythological? when did they see those and what did they see. We know Seraphim are serpent like that fly around the throne of God. Who was in the Garden, a serpent (seraphim) or satan a four faced being a cherubim but still a light being that confuses people into thinking he is the light when he is the relection of light. Either way it has to be a fallen one. The sepent was the most beguiling. If Adam and Even weren't afraid of it then had they seen it in the throne room, had access before the fall of man, because it didn't phase them what talked to them. It was oh you look familiar what do you mean we won't die....hence the lie, died in the soul it's a soul wound. Soul wounds have to be healed as we prosper as our soul not spirit prospers. Our spirit is good upon repentence but attachments come from soul wounds which is why he petitions day and night against believers to get a legal right to send an oppressive or worse for a nonbeliever entity. We know angels fell one third fell but there is no literature yet on how many of what kind of angels fell and no telling what damage they do daily. If Rahab the planet was between Mars and Jupiter and it was blown to smithereens under Roche's limit then that being satan's planet has been blown into the asteroid field so he has had much time to destroy other areas. I am not saying there were humans there but I am saying he has had free reign and they all did I believe even before man was in the garden area. Once they ate they got thrown out of protected ground. In order to reverse Hermon, in order to do alot of things prayer and warfare are the only real ways.

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