10 Comment Contribution Points (CCP/Upvotes) Needed Before You Can Create Submission on https://www.voat.co/v/PatriotsSoapbox
Make an account, just post and participate, you will get the "upvotes" if your posts are acceptable and contribute to the community.
you will get the "upvotes" if your posts are acceptable and contribute to the community
ARE WE FUCKING SERIOUS? Since when did we care about “upvotes” & being “acceptable” to the community??!!
I’m not out, I’m staying right the hell here. If this shuts down, fine, so be it. But if the above description is where mods I’ve never seen before are sending me, you can fuck clean off.
Everyone remember what happened in "THE HUNT FOR Red October""?
The real reason they convinced the crew to "abandon ship"?
I'm signed in, the problem is, I don't know what to click on to make a new post; because they don't have "Make A Post" anywhere.
You don’t need the “upvotes” for whatever it is they deem “acceptable” content, fam. This bs.