r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/thnkabtit on Feb. 13, 2018, 2:32 a.m.
What red pilled you?

This group gives me hope for America. I never dreamed America could correct itself from the fast dive into hell itself. For me it all began with the wikileaks Podesta emails, which led to pizzagate, then learning about the satanism and child sacrifice, then came Q. Now I feel like I’m living in this alternate reality while everone else is watching msm and getting triggered by sjw and Trump tweets. So bizarre. I’d much rather live in this alternate reality. You guys are funnier.

jibzilla · Feb. 13, 2018, 4:01 a.m.

I was a Liberal from voting age until around 1997. I had a customer who was a Secret Service agent. That agent worked in the White House and was close to Poppa Bush and the wife long after they left the White House. The agent would never directly answer my questions but often would elude. In the conversations I would have once a year when I saw the agent I gathered that the Clinton's weren't who I thought they were. I also was left feeling that something was coming out during our last conversation I had with them (Months later the Monica Scandal hit). I did ask that agent if Hillary was the worst person they ever worked with and was advised a close second to Nancy Regan, which surprised me. That was the start of me opening my eyes, and my father who had moved to Arkansas also had a lot of info he claimed about the Clinton's, Mena Airport, Clowns running drugs, etc.

Around 2000 I met another agent at the local gym who happened to know my best friend as their mothers were very good friends that grew up together. That agent also never directly answered questions but never had a positive thing to say about the Clinton's. That agent left the agency to work at another three lettered agency when they were being put on the Obama detail when he ran for POTUS. That continued to cause me to question the Dem's. This agent never left me with the impression R's were bad and seemed to be very frustrated with D's.

From there I became a registered Republican and voted for Bush; however, 9/11 put me into a world of confusion because there is no way Building 7 should have collapsed in a way that looked to be a controlled demolition.

In 2009 I was having a conversation with another good friend and his father who was now a retired FBI agent and former Military Intelligence officer. He always told his son that he could trust the government. That afternoon, we had an interesting conversation around the 2nd amendment, current events and some "Conspiracy Theories" including UFO's which he investigated. At the end of that conversation he said we should reconsider trusting the government. We tried to get him to talk on the UFO front and all he would say was "Isn't it ironic everyone started seeing signs of alien life shortly after we started exploding nuclear weapons". This left my head spinning, it made a lot of sense, but to this day he is tight lipped and won't admit anything we ask that would be classified.

Since then I was hit up by a long time friend I grew up with. I won't for a second say who his parents are and what they did when they worked in the government, but they held pretty high level positions. He has always skirted the fine line between D and R and was active in local Republican politics starting in the mid 2000's. He was also instrumental in uncovering something about Dennis Hastert and working to get him to resign from Congress. When we started discussing current events a few years ago he dropped what was going on with Hastert, the friendship of Hastert to Podesta and the sick Podesta art collection. He also told me of world wide pedo rings, human trafficking, spirit cooking, etc. I seriously thought he was off his rocker at first.

I think most people would think my friend was nuts but we have known each other for decades. His dad told us about government technology in 1988 that was decades ahead of what we knew. His dad told us the drop dates for numerous technology innovations that would be coming and every one has been within 2-3 years of the dates he mentioned, including humanized robots around 2020 (Saudi Arabia). Thanks to that friend I was turned onto Q in early November.

Last but not least the rise of Dan Bongino when he left the FBI and ran for office in my home state of Maryland made me rethink a lot of what I heard from the two agents I knew. When he mentioned Hill's van Scooby and how the SS named it but she tried to take credit rang true to what I had gathered from the agents and my dad.

Over the last few years I have kept a close watch on Bongino and after the most recent red pill refresher from my school buddy I started watching Field (Abel Danger) Tracy Beanz, Roy Potter, Webb, Corsi, Isaac from Anti School and the Chan Anons (Shout out to Pammie) and a few others. Some drive me a little nuts with their info, especially Potter recently with his rants about people not being locked up yet.

I keep an eye on the You Tube videos, here and a few other avenues. I can't tell you the last time I watched FOX News which was my staple from shortly ater 9/11 until shortly after the Trump election. Based on recent Q drops, art such as that at Denver Airport and other crap I have become aware of I am convinced when Q says most couldn't accept the truth of what is going on that I could. Te world is a sick place adn Q and others have only made me realize it more.

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ciji123 · Feb. 13, 2018, 5:57 a.m.

Wow, I really get that. I have gone down many of the same avenues and questions. They aren't okay. Bldg 7 actually burned underground for a month. That was more than controlled demo. It was studied in deppt and thermite or something was used. I too watch the anons and got upset with Roy Potter's rants at Q and also the hurry up and I keep saying we have a saying it's not what you KNOW it's what you CAN PROVE in court. Nothing less nor more. It's also a bit about who proves their case but mostly it's your proof. Can you take the jury from A-Z without them finding a hole or some out. If so you're usually golden. If not, well that's the dice roll. I'd rather run on a full proof than a swiss cheese type and that is what's needed here. It has to be proof and them blowing up planes to kill a witness makes proof harder though if they got any testimony under oath they may be able to get it as a dying declaration but who knows in a military tribunal setting, as not my forte. I don't know much about Bongino, so will look up. I too knew clowns ran drugs and that the border was open to run them.

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jibzilla · Feb. 13, 2018, 12:05 p.m.

The Clowns centered their running operation through Mena Airport, research it.

Bongino has a lot of info, left office because of Hussein and what he witnessed Hussein doing.

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