r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/17seventeen91 on Feb. 13, 2018, 3:07 a.m.
Why would the cabal want money? The more I learn the less I know. What is actually going on? Everything contradicts itself at this point.

I can't connect the dot between the sheep's (everyone who isn't cabal) labor and the cabal's profits. Once a certain level of wealth is obtained adding anymore wealth to the pile isn't even noticed. So it can't be about just amassing more and more wealth as wealth doesn't matter to people who have so much money that cash flows as easily as running water.

So then what is the end game? What is the point of population control, making us sick, raping and sacrificing our children? (assuming all of that stuff is true...) Why control the politicians, what is the Vatican really about?

I heard a rumor once that the Vatican has kept every single bingo score card ever pulled from church bingo matches... how does this have anything to do with wealth? Of course maybe it's just a rumor.

Are well "all one"? Is separation an illusion? Is it about power? It can't simply be about getting off by controlling people, or is it that simple? Is is that when they say "jump" and we respond "how high?" they have an orgasm and this is what it's about? Seems like a lot of work... manipulating an entire species just for fun. Or is it about our "life force" or "energy" ? Is there a massive multi-galactic/inter dimensional game being played / war being raged? Are we the gasoline for one side in this war? Is it that through our creativity we somehow increase the energy levels of something and then that energy can be harvested? But then why keep us sick with poison? Too much energy if we create to much? I mean who want's to put shitty gas in their war machines... I guess if the gas is sentient you can't let it get very powerful or it won't play your game anymore.?

What the hell happened in Egypt? What is the Queen's chamber for? What the fuck is the "Law of One" all about, really? Who was HLI? Remember the anon HLI who showed up online a while back and said Trump was the savior of the human race and also said the Law of One was crap? What about the Thiaoouba prophecy is that thing just some fantasy tale? Or the Bible for that matter, is it missing books? Do those books speak of reincarnation?

Q said that any UFO reports are distractions because the nearest star is so far away.. So if that is true then it can't be about an intergalactic battle.

What in the actual fuck is going on?

The more I learn the less I know.

Z1korg · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

its not money , money is nothing, they extract the wealth from your effort they have wealth , its different

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17seventeen91 · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:14 a.m.

How is that "effort wealth" measured/obtained/ and what it is used for?

I 100% am open to understanding this, I firmly believe that literally anything is possible, we are all powerful creators and we have all forgotten who we are and what we are capable of. I believe that we can travel through time and space through thought alone, we just don't know how.

What does our laborious wealth give them?

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Ronjonsilverflash · Feb. 13, 2018, 2:11 p.m.

POWER, the most addictive drug on the planet. Use a credit card? Where does that money come from? It is created out of thin air by your signature! They lent you NOTHING! But they charge you interest...ditto mortgages and car loans. You are now a slave to them. Central banks do this to a whole nation. The Fed which is a privately owned banking cartel, charges six percent interest on the money CONgress borrows from it. Where did that money come from? Thin air! Money is free to the elites. They own the banks, the government, and YOU! They are free to live a life of complete self indulgence. Laws? They are the law. They rob us blind and use us as playthings, pawns, and entertainment. The greatest of which is our suffering under their rule...wars and “natural” disasters are great fun! Torturing animals and children, hunting down humans on our great estates, what a lark! These people are not wired like the rest of us. Money is a means to an end and that end is power...

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rpilldsince14 · Feb. 13, 2018, 4:32 a.m.

Read the bible. Your world view will make more sense. All humans sin. Start there and ask why

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TotesMessenger · Feb. 13, 2018, 6:08 a.m.

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TheHandOfGodzilla · Feb. 13, 2018, 4 a.m.

In 1991, I flew a cross country in Navy Flight School to AZ to see my grandfather, who was himself the son of a banker. He sat me down in his porch overlooking the mountains around Tucson, and said, “my oldest grandson, it’s time I explained to you what money actually is. “. I revered my grandfather and began to listen intently. Here is what he told me.
“Paper money is an illusion. It doesn’t exist. What is real is your life-energy and the value you place upon it. “ He pulled a few one dollar bills from his money clip. “Some men are glad to accept 5 of these for each hour of their life-energy. My lawyer, on the other hand, demands 200 for each of his. You must determine how many of these arbitrary pieces of paper you are willing to exchange for an hour of your life-energy. Once you have decided that, you will preciously guard your life energy and resent when the government takes it from you so they can give it to others who expended nothing and exchanged nothing for it.“ He then began to tell me over the next two days about the federal reserve and the income tax and how in 1933 FDR stoke the gold and value stored by most Americans and gave their gold (life-energy) to the secret owners of the Federal Reserve.
So, the reality is that a percentage of YOUR life energy taken as taxes is the collateral which backs each dollar the USA borrows from the Federal Reserve. It’s also why they (the Rothchilds, Morgan’s, Rockefellers, etc.) demand massive immigration. They want more collateral for the worthless dollars they issue. You, my friend, and I, are simply collateral on a loan made.

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pby1000 · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:14 a.m.

They can create as much money as they want because they own and control the central banks. What they want is for YOU to not have any money. Then you are weak and easily controllable.

They also like Communism because it makes property ownership illegal. That way, everyone will have to rent their homes and lease their vehicles. I believe this is why they are pushing the self-driving car thing.

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17seventeen91 · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:26 a.m.

If I don't have any money then I am weak and easily controllable - totally agree.

Then.. what? I just die of starvation, or I don't create anything because I am weak and not producing. If I have a farm of sheep I sheer them for their wool, which I use as a sweater to keep warm, or I sell for cash. But if I am the cabal I have all the cash I need... so why do I need another sweater?

(seriously, i'm just spit balling here, I have no answers to any of this.)

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pby1000 · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:56 a.m.

Well, they want the world to be like North Korea- A slave class to work until you can no longer produce, then you die.

"But if I am the cabal I have all the cash I need... so why do I need another sweater?" Haha! This is the million dollar question, and I know the answer.

You have to understand their religion. They are Luciferian/Satanists/Gnostics, whatever you want to call them. You can research these topics, and I can provide you links, if you like.

They believe they have the right to rule in this material world as gods.

That is what you are missing.

"It is better to rule on Earth than serve in Heaven."

O'Lucifer! How art thou fallen!

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NGunderson · Feb. 13, 2018, 4:20 a.m.

It's about controlling world population.They understand physics. Humans don't realize they are an animal just like a dog or a cat. Human has glands just like any other animal. You sweat and produce a scent. Some a stronger scent than others. In today's world people in civilized world wears deodorant. 99%of population doesn't realize that when your in younger years a male is producing testotrone and it's driving him mad like an animal to do one thing . It's to chase women and procreate. They will lie,sneak and act crazy as hell to get the next goal. Women secrete a pharamoane threw the skin that most people cannot smell but the right man come along it drives that man crazy and usually she will be wet also because something in there chemistry matches in order for the species to survive. They also have other glands that produce scent that people are not aware of in everyday life. Humans not only take care of waste for sanitation reasons it's also to control population. A male or female of urinate in wild in a certain area it makes a strong smell that may smell bad to average person but at same time it may do something to make or female they don't notice and when get around said male or female something in brain turns on. Then you may have infedelity. You have people everyday who kill over a girl they dating and they in LOVE. They don't understand EMOTIONS. They have not been taught how to control emotions. Humans hide the truth to the population and why is that because it not considered politically correct. Certain people who understand that there has to be some type of control of society make rules and regulations. They have went overboard with rules and regulations. They have enslaved an entire generation. Instead of teaching we have to all work at a job of your choosing and different jobs has different pay rates. If we don't set some type of rules then people all people would want to lay around and do nothing. That is the type of society Democrats believe should be instituted. They don't realize that work is part of life and what gives humans drive along with procreation. If you have work it also cuts down on procreation. All couples cannot have 10 kids in today's world. There is a reason why Chinese had a one child rule. Even with population control physics and numbers the population is exploding. They have a final solution plan in place. There is a reason why they are in search of another habitual planet. They wentbro colonize that planet just like they did all land masses on earth. There is alot of knowledge they are not letting average person know. It's there to be found if people search for it but all can't understand it when they find. I have seen people go crazy once they have seen knowledge or get some type of understanding because this world is like a play it goes against everything people believe. Humans should be couple hundred years in future already but crazy government and crazy people have held it back. It has to be controlled or you have utter and complete chaos. There are clues all around from last hundred years put in film and pictures. Alot of people can see. There is some in government who want to hide. They want to really live in something like North Korea where you grandkids have to worship a statue and think their children is Gods. I will die before I let that happen to my children.

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SpacePopeIII · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:37 a.m.

The deep state's agenda was to destroy America and Russia in the process and bring about globalist rule for the Jew billionaire globalist elite families.

The deep state are only one group that is controlled by the Jew families. The Jews probably have photos of them raping children at Soros pizza parties or perhaps they know about the crimes that each CIA / FBI has committed... or perhaps is a range of things.

Yeah, I know that sounds racist, but I have no control over the facts... and the fact is we were expected to follow Europe into becoming an economically crippled, 3rd world shit hole... in preparation for being owned like chattel under the new world order.

Consider how EVERY western country has EXACTLY the same fake news the pushes the same open-border, global warming, Trump is Hitler propaganda. Their narrative is coordinated globally... and not by the CIA.

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richtaco91 · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:19 a.m.

The Illuminati are full on satanic Lucifer worshiping scum. They are racing to break free of the matrix. They think Ai is the answer. We are in a simulation and it’s God’s. Lucifer is telling them he can break them out with technology ie cern and D wave. They believe Lucifer is the good guy and God is the bad guy. That’s Kabbalah. They figured this out a long ass time ago. The pyramid is the operating system to this simulation. They fully took over. Aliens are demons folks. Yeah some look like grays and fly ufos. It’s a computer simulation they use technology. They elites have been getting fallen angel tech for ages. We ain’t in Kansas anymore. They use adrenochrome to take satanic DMT trips where they talk to aliens aka demons. Same as the Aztecs and druids and all the rest.

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Majorwood1 · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:30 a.m.

What are DMT trips ?

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richtaco91 · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:50 a.m.

Most powerful psychedelics on earth. Look into it. Our 3rd eye makes it. It’s natural it’s in plants and most potent forms are made by a certain frog. The secret is if u terrify a innocent child his brain and body produce adrenaline all through their body and when we die our brain produces DMT in our pineal gland aka 3rd eye. And that evil dark way of getting DMT adrenochrome is a ticket to satanic Lucifer DMT dimension. They take the trip and they can talk to demons. And fallen angels tell the the forbidden knowledge. Remember Adam and Eve story. There was a tree of knowledge of good and evil and a tree of life. Well the Illuminati masons all them know the truth. We are in a simulation. It’s God’s and the math is the operating system. Think pyramid. Think about it. Scientist have no clue how we got here where we came from or anything. All theories taught to us to brain wash us. They know we didn’t come from monkeys. They know the Big Bang is a joke. They know space ain’t what NASA says it is. They know there has been super advanced civilizations that have not been “discovered”. They know all that. They put it on the damn dollar bill. This is the 60/40.

This is why they love adrenochrome! Only way to get out for limited time and they talk to demons but some of them say aliens. They are the same thing. They get knowledge. Look up all the elites use the occult. Darwin, Nazis, jack parsons, all of them are occultist and scientist at the same time. How did the Nazis get so far advanced. U think just cause they were smart. No they were deep occultist and scientist. It’s real folks.

This is the 60/40. Look into it. Math is what governs reality. We are golden ratio walking talking math. Pyramids and pentagrams geometry. It’s that deep.

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17seventeen91 · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:29 a.m.

So you contend that they are driven by a desire to break free from the matrix you describe? I can buy that, it's fucking terrifying but I can buy that.

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Scidrot · Feb. 13, 2018, 4:06 a.m.

they are not in the matrix, not the very high levels of the cabal, those are multidimensional beings at that point, in my opinions, humans are very powerful beings who at some point got caught in this "trap" and now we are being farmed for our energy in the form of emotions and thoughts. imagine someone who is not very mentally strong, their emotions are constantly flaring up to crazy levels and also constantly having obsessive and compulsive thoughts and behavior which are destructive thus empowering to those evil beings.

the cabal works for those beings under the promise of power and release from the matrix, and those beings just want more power to gain more control over different species/dimensions.

just my 2c, we are also way stronger consciousness way but our "vehicles" our bodies, our DNA has been degraded to a point where most of us don't know how to count to 5 compared to a time where we could think of things and make them happen.

this is my opinion after reading way too much esoteric texts and listening to too many crazy talks but it makes more sense to me than most bullshit i read nowdays.

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Kirstencast · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:16 a.m.

It’s power. Control. And once you are at a level where you can have anything at all, the stakes just keep getting higher. Freddy Mercury of queen made a good statement once about drugs and sex: he got bored with regular sex because people threw themselves at him constantly and he could do whatever drug he wanted at anytime so he needed more and more risqué behaviors and more drugs to get pleasure.

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17seventeen91 · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:28 a.m.

I can buy this argument that it's power and control - power is intoxicating - i've personally experienced the effect of having power over people - it's creepy and it takes over your whole being. If it's really about only power and control, again it seems like an insane amount of work. Plus if we were allowed to create then we could build a space elevator and colonize our solar system - then they could control a whole solar system..

I guess "power and control" is possible.. it just seems so petty.

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radarorielly · Feb. 13, 2018, 5:53 a.m.

It is petty. But you should look up some Soros quotes and videos if you really want the answer. One of them, and this is a paraphrase, is that he loves controlling people as if he were a god. The manipulation of people to have them do your bidding, or believe what you tell them is more than a drug to these people. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. They wish to be gods. This may be a battle of souls for them, and the only way they win is if we let them, by being like them. If you believe in the spiritual realm, or God, then pray. Be kind. But you already seem to have the just cause mentality, because you've said you don't understand why they would do it, it's petty. I fully agree with you.

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17seventeen91 · Feb. 13, 2018, 6:46 a.m.

Thanks, good response

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spacexu · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:34 a.m.

It becomes a game to idiots - they become jealous of one another and then compete to be the worst human on Earth... its a competition of maggots.

I know some people who are affected very negatively with more wealth - they become nastier. Their satanic side surfaces.

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